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White Labs IPA (WLP 862)

Brewer: White Labs
Style: IPA
Alcohol Content: 7.96%
Seasonal: No

WLP862 Cry Havoc This signature strain, from Charlie Papazian, has the ability to ferment at both ale and lager temperatures allowing the brewer to produce diverse beer styles. The recipes in both Papazian’s books, The Complete Joy of Homebrewing and The Homebrewers Companion, were originally developed and brewed with this yeast. Papazian had "Cry Havoc" in his yeast stable since 1983. When fermented at ale temperatures, the yeast produces fruity esters reminiscent of berries and apples. Hop character comes through well with hop accented beers. Diacetyl production will be very low when proper fermentation techniques are used. When fermented at lager temperatures, esters are low in high gravity beers and negligible in other beers. Pleasant baked bread-like yeast aroma is often perceived in malt accented lagers. Slightly extended fermentation times may be experienced compared to other lagers. Some fermentation circumstances may produce sulfur aroma compounds, but these will usually dissipate with time. Good yeast for bottle conditioning.

Bitterness and gravity vary batch to batch.

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