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Outer Banks Vitus Reductus Sour Ale

Brewer: Outer Banks Brewing Station
Style: Sour Flemish Ale - Flanders Red / Oud Bruin
Alcohol Content: 5.5%
Seasonal: No

Our own Vitus Reductus Sour Ale comes closest in style to what is called a Flanders Red Ale. It combines locally grown wine grapes that are boiled down to a reduction with a very sour wheat beer. The fermentation is nourished by first runnings that seethe kaleidoscopically through winter and into spring. Wild stuff, this Vitus Reductus! Late assemblage of divergent lots should result in ongoing fermentation in the bottle, so expect changes, and expect the unexpected! Barrelage run ales are complex as a double helix pretzel: esoterica for the cognoscenti! Enjoy!

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