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Bridge Road B2 Bomber Mach 2.0

Brewer: Bridge Road Brewers
Style: Saison / Farmhouse - Dark
Alcohol Content: 8%
Seasonal: Special

B2 Mach 2.0 Bridge Road has concocted some fantastic beers for its birthday releases: a barrel-aged Imperial Porter, a black saison and the B2 Bomber among them. The last of these is probably the one that caused the most excitement among the craft beer cognoscenti, a melding of a Belgian yeast with lots of hops and dark, roasty malts. For the brewery’s seventh birthday, it’s been brought out of retirement and given a boost in the form of more hops. The result is the same utterly idiosyncratic nose that bamboozled us two years ago, with fruity hops and roasty dark chocolate aromas pierced by something a little funky. Deeply dark in the glass, it’s as much of a multi-dimensional sensory melange in the mouth too, making it a welcome return for a beer that was pretty much a Black Belgian IPA before we’d even thought such a thing existed.

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