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Fallen Dragonfly

Brewer: Fallen Brewing
Style: Red Ale / International Amber Ale
Alcohol Content: 4.8%
Seasonal: No

An amber gemstone with a Dragonfly trapped inside is a highly prized and extremely valuable possession. We want you to feel the same way about this amber ale.
Crafted using a blend of six malts and lots of American ā€˜Cā€™ hops it is deep amber in colour with a floral/citrus hop aroma upfront. The initial flavour hit is resinous, citrus and pine followed by a rich biscuit and caramel maltiness and finishing with a lingering bitterness.
Dragonfly tastes great on its own or with lightly spiced pasta dishes, pizza or strong cheddars. Serve at 4C to emphasise the hops or at 12C for a fuller bodied, fuller flavoured experience. No additives, no adjuncts; just four top quality, natural ingredients: malt, hops, yeast and water.
Specifications: Malts: Maris Otter, Crystal, Vienna, Biscuit, Melanoidin, Flaked Barley
Hops: Magnum, Cascade, Columbus, Chinook
IBU: 40
OG: 1.046
ABV: 4.6%

Note: Until April 2014, contract brewed at Tryst.

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