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Cambridge Blunderbuss Barleywine

Brewer: Cambridge Brewing Company
Style: Barley Wine / Wheat Wine / Rye Wine
Alcohol Content: 11.7%
Seasonal: Winter

Once again the brewers at CBC have thrown caution to the wind in our latest annual effort to create the biggest, baddest, strongest, bestest beer around. Double-mashed with nearly a ton of malt, five different hops, and cold-aged several months with French Limousine oak, this extraordinary, complex ale boasts flavors and aromas of caramel, dried fruit, vanilla, oak, toffee, spicy hops, and a warming alcohol finish. Very rich and full-bodied, it is unfiltered and unfined. This unique beer will be available all winter, served for your admiration and enjoyment in a 9oz. snifter.

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