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Tröegs Scratch 92

Brewer: Tröegs Brewing Company
Style: Helles / Dortmunder Export
Alcohol Content: 4.4%
Seasonal: Series

If ever there was a beer style that epitomizes the marvels of German brewing, it is the Munich Helles Lager. “Helles” (a German word meaning “light”) is the perfect adjective for this pale, straw-colored, thirst-quencher of a beer. With its origins in Munich, Germany, the Helles style traditionally shares a similar spicy hop character of a Czech Pilsner with a more subdued aroma and less assertive bitterness. Subtlety is the name of the game for this sessionable lager, yet it is artful and majestic in all its simplicity. With that said, Scratch #92 will reward you with a wonderful balance of rich, malty sweetness and a lingering, noble hoppiness followed by a slightly dry finish.

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