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Upland Champagne Velvet

Brewer: Upland Brewing Company
Style: Pilsener / Pils / Pilsner
Alcohol Content: 5.2%
Seasonal: Special

Celebrating our 15th anniversary in 2013, we pay homage to Indiana’s most beloved beer of all time, Champagne Vevet. CV was a German-inspired lager and the flagship of the Terre Haute Brewing Company during its heyday, from the turn of the 20th century until the late 1950s. Before THBC fell victim to the rampant consolidation that characterized the beer industry during the latter half of the century, the brewery covered several square blocks of the city. Today, only a few of the original structures still stand - ancient bricks, blocks and beams where the strength and scale of the brewery is still apparent. Our brewers were inspired by the handwritten 1901 recipe notes of THBC assistant brewer, Walter Braun. True to most pre-Prohibition American pilseners, CV continues to brewed with corn and malted barley and showcases both Cluster and Tettnang hops. Cluster was the predominant American-grown hop in the Midwest at the turn of the century, and the Braun family came to the U.S. from the Tettnang region of Germany. Over the years, CV was marketed with some of the best slogans ever created: "Enjoy its mellow strength!" "CV for you, CV for me!" And of course, "The BEER with the million dollar flavor" - we agree!

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