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Bent Brewstillery Dark Fatha

Brewer: Bent Brewstillery
Style: Stout - Imperial
Alcohol Content: 9.3%
Seasonal: No

This distinctive hybrid beer style combines the crisp, clean feel of a light ale with the dark, cocoa, roasted smoothness of a stout. Especially unique is the rich darkness of this beer without the bitterness and heaviness of traditional stout. It is brewed in the German tradition of a long boil to darken and smooth out the beer. Vanilla and brown sugar are added at the end of the boil to lend just enough sweetness to balance the dry finish. This beer was the best mistake we ever made. The original intent was to make a clone of the famous stout beer for our friends and family who enjoy that beer. It turned out to be only a little stout-ish with a very clean finish. It became the favorite of stout and non-stout lovers alike. This beer became what we are known for, and it’s always on tap in the basement bar. This beer reaches maturity at 6 weeks after the brew date and only gets better from there.

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