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Palmetto Espresso Porter - Bourbon Barrel

Brewer: Palmetto Brewing Company (Made By The Water)
Style: Porter - Flavored
Alcohol Content: 5.7%
Seasonal: Special

Porter was one of Palmetto’s original year-round beers, debuting way back in 1994. The brewery eventually gained a neighbor in Charleston Coffee Roasters, who occupy the other half of a large building they both call home. Legend has it that, in the spirit of brewing camaraderie, they would share product with one another - coffee in the morning, and beer after work. Eventually one tired soul needed a boost after a long day and dropped a shot of espresso in a glass of porter. And thus, Espresso Porter was born. As a result of super fresh, cold-brewed custom roast, the coffee element in the beer is all pleasantries and no harshness, which fits right in with the mild ABV. The boys tucked some of this away in a bourbon barrel in January, so expect an equally delicate set of complementary bourbon notes.

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