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Holy City / Wicked Weed Holy Weed

Brewer: Holy City Brewing
Style: IIPA DIPA - Imperial / Double IPA
Alcohol Content: 9.4%
Seasonal: Special

Craft brewing is as much a community as it is an industry. Translation: there are a lot of friendly brewers out there, and our buddies Luke and Walt Dickinson from Wicked Weed Brewing in Asheville, NC are two of them. They paid us a visit to brew this collaboration beer for Brewvival 2014, and we’ll be heading north to do the same with them soon.

Holy Weed is giant Double IPA with a twist: green tea leaves from Charleston Tea Plantation were added after the whirlpool. They impart a fresh, earthy character to the utterly insane, citrus-forward hop profile.

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