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Magnolia Old Thunderpussy Barleywine

Brewer: Magnolia Brewing
Style: Barley Wine / Wheat Wine / Rye Wine
Alcohol Content: 11.2%
Seasonal: Winter


Our tribute to the most famous tenant of our historic building is brewed in September for a February 1st release (kicking off our annual Strong Beer Month). A little hoppy to truly be an English-style barleywine, Old Thunderpussy nevertheless uses all English ingredients and is built around a big, bold Maris Otter taste accented by East Kent Goldings hops. A slightly warmer fementation coaxes out an additional dimension of fruitiness.

Malts: Maris Otter; crystal, Munich, brown
Hops: Challenger; East Kent Goldings
Food Pairings: strong cheeses including Stilton and other blues, intense cheddars, aged goat cheeses

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