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Eight Degrees Simcoe Rye Ale

Brewer: Eight Degrees Brewing
Style: Specialty Grain - Other
Alcohol Content: 6%
Seasonal: Series

keg & bottle,summer special
Singl hop series
Head brewer Mike’s favourite hop in the world is, without a doubt, Simcoe from Yakima Valley in Washington, US. To showcase this wonderful hop we have combined it with a subtle red rye ale. The classic Simcoe tangerine and passion fruit aroma are on full display here and interplay nicely with the spicy/peppery rye malt base. Is your mouth watering yet?
Tasting notes Colour/appearance: golden colour, fluffy off-white head with good retention.
Aroma: intense aromas of pine, tangerine and passion fruit.
Flavour: big bold tangerine peel flavour, peppery rye spice at the tip of your tongue. Good balance between full-flavoured hop and the crystal/rye malts.
Aftertaste: smooth and lingering spice

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