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Free State Invigorator Doppel Bock

Brewer: Free State Brewing Company
Style: Bock - Doppelbock
Alcohol Content: 8.1%
Seasonal: No

This is a very strong , German style lager. The word doppel literally means double, but it’s not really a "double" strength bock beer. It is stronger than a regular bock though and also heavier and more full bodied. The high alcohol content gives a warm fullness to the flavor and accents the somewhat sweet character of the beer. The Doppel is started with a base of Pilsen malt. It is colored and flavored by caravienne, caramunich and special B malts. A large portion of Munich malt is used for its distinctly German flavor and aroma as well as a little aromatic malt. Finally there is some carapils to add to the full body. The doppel is also flavored with moderate amounts of Yakima perle and German Hallertau hops to balance the malty sweetness. Though the IBU level is pretty high, almost that of Copperhead, this is not a hoppy beer. It’s just that it takes a lot of hops to balance out such a malty beer. Doppel Bocks are of German descent, having first been brewed by monks near Munich at the monastery of the order of St. Francis of Paula in the 1780’s. They named their beer "Salvator" (savior) and started at least two traditions that still remain today. The first is Salvator Doppel Bock which is still brewed by Paulaner-Salvator-Thomasbräu, one of Munich’s largest breweries and the direct descendant of the old monastic brewery. The second is the tradition of finishing the names of Doppel Bocks withe the suffix -ator. Others who have followed this tradition include Triumphator, Optimator, Maximator, Animator and of course our own Invigorator Doppel Bock. O.G. - 18.9ºP/1.075 Hops - German Tettnanger

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