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Bellwoods Farmageddon (Montmorency Cherry)

Brewer: Bellwoods Brewery
Style: Saison / Farmhouse - Flavored
Alcohol Content: 6.3%
Seasonal: No

As Beyoncé once said, I don’t know much about algebra, but I know that 1 + 1 = 2. Or rather, cherry + Farmageddon = Cherrified Farmageddon. You see what we did there? We put cherries in Farmageddon. It’s true that a poorly executed fruit beer can be intensely disappointing, but a beautifully balanced fruit beer, with tart Montmorency cherries from Niagara working in tandem with the base of a dry saison aged in brett barrels, is well, whatever the opposite of disappointing is. Pretty stupendous.

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