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Švyturys White - Baltas Hefeweizen

Brewer: Švyturys (Carlsberg)
Style: Weissbier - Hefeweizen
Alcohol Content: 5%
Seasonal: No

Tradicinė kolekcija
Švyturys White (5%) is a wheat Hefeweizen beer, member of the traditional Švyturys collection. It is defined by a refreshing taste and flavour that resembles a bouquet of cloves, bananas, plums, orange peel and exotic fruit. This non-filtered, cloudy beer with its peculiar taste and exceptional flavour should be served with a slice of lemon in a special pre-chilled glass. A wheat beer glass quite sharply flared at the top to look a bit like an hourglass, designed so as to perfectly reveal the flavour of this exclusive beer. Beer White perfectly complements fish, seafood, soft cheese, and light fruit desserts.

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