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New Belgium Mountain Mantra

Brewer: New Belgium Brewing Company (Lion Co. - Kirin Holdings)
Style: IPA
Alcohol Content: 6.3%
Seasonal: Special

The color - copper rouge (like an old penny). The aroma - Wow! The amazing synergy of isoamyl acetate (Belgian ester - bananas), phenolic (think pink bubblegum) and FRESH hops - it melts into one beautiful, complex aroma. The taste is initially spicy-sweet, followed by hop bitterness. The afterbitter is soft yet aggressive. The mouthfeel is at first creamy, then warms from the alcohol and finishes crisp from the hops.

This is the second offering in our small batch beer program. Brewmaster Peter Bouckaert encourages his crew to take chances and experiment with any style (or lack thereof). Mountain Mantra is our own Chris Holbrook's interpretation of a Belgian twist on a west coast IPA. Kind of a triple hybrid. The real fun of this beer is that Chris' love for fresh, aggressive hops and spices does not muddle the distinct Belgian aromas. This beer truly speaks to both sides of Chris' beer love without tearing you in two!

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