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Wadworth The Bishop's Tipple (Bottle)

Brewer: Wadworth
Style: Bitter - Premium / Strong / Extra Special (ESB)
Alcohol Content: 5.5%
Seasonal: No

Bottle - filtered. Released by Wadworth in August 2005.
Previously known as Usher’s Bishop’s Tipple at 5.5%. Moved back to original ABV (6.5%) and recipe when Wadworth acquired the brand. However, the ABV has since been reduced to 5.5%, in line with the cask version.

The Bishop’s Tipple has been a legend amongst ale drinkers since it was first brewed in 1973 to celebrate the inauguration of George Reindorp as Bishop of Salisbury. It always was deceptively drinkable for a higher strength beer, tasting both complex and delicate at the same time; now our head brewer, Trevor Holmes, has spiced it up a little to make it even more lusciously aromatic - a crisp, turbo-hopped brew with wonderful citrus flavours, a real beer to savour.
Wadworth Bishop’s Tipple is a pale gold beer, brewed from low colour Optic barley with a small proportion of cane sugar added to give it a smooth, easy drinking palate. The beer was fermented at low temperature with a special yeast, carefully chosen to avoid the fruity ester flavours often associated with higher alcohol beers.
The two hops used are the classic low acidity Saaz variety from Bohemia, a vital ingredient in many Czech lagers and renowned for its delicate peppery bitterness; and an equal portion by bitterness strength of Styrian Goldings hops, which contribute a smooth, rich bitterness underpinned by a spicy citrus finish. One third of the hop grist is reserved for a late infusion, so as to extract and enhance the aromatic hop oils in the brew.

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