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Wychwood WychCraft (Cask)

Brewer: Wychwood Brewery (Carlsberg Marston's Brewing Co.)
Style: Blonde Ale / Golden Ale
Alcohol Content: 3.8%
Seasonal: Summer

Cask; Seasonal- Summer.
Previously 4.2%.

Traditionally craft-brewed using an innovative blend of 3 Hops and 3 Malts Wychcraft delivers a pale-straw coloured, crisp, dry ’Blonde Beer’ to savour. A seductive blend of Pale, Lager and Cara Malts give a light and gentle base of delicious dry, biscuity flavours, while the addition of English Fuggles, Styrian Goldings and Cascade hops create a wonderfully aromatic and fragrant zesty character for a highly refreshing anytime beer..

Only ratings for the cask version to go here. There is a separate entry for the bottled version

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