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Lightning Fulminator Lager

Brewer: Lightning Brewery
Style: Bock - Doppelbock
Alcohol Content: 8.5%
Seasonal: Spring

Fulminator is a twist on the latin word for lightning and the German naming method, “-ator” for naming dopple-bock beers. This is a high gravity dobble-bock style lager, it has a hefty addition of wheat for even greater body.
An extra–strength strong lager beer made with a hefty dose of malted wheat. We make our dopple-bock with premium imported “pilsnermalt,” white wheat, and dark wheat. We also incorporate the traditional step of decocting or boiling up part of the mash to increase the fermentable sugar in the wort and the mouthfeel of fermented beer. After fermentation, we lager to smooth out rough tastes, naturally carbonate, filter under conditions that maintain carbonation, and package the beer.
We have found this is the smoothest 8.5% A.B.V. beer we have ever had. A real classic big German-style beer with just a hint of aromatic and bittering hops added to balance out its’ big malt character.

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