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Ascent 54 Dunkel Weisse

Brewer: Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev)
Style: Weissbier - Dunkelweizen
Alcohol Content: 5.5%
Seasonal: No

It isn’t dubbed a Rocky Mountain state for nothing. With 54 mountain peaks exceeding 14,000 feet each, Colorado was made for climbing. In honor of that fact, Anheuser-Busch introduces Ascent 54 -- an authentic German-style dunkel weisse (dark wheat) beer available on draught in select bars and restaurants in Colorado. Developed and brewed locally at Anheuser-Busch’s Fort Collins, Colo. brewery, Ascent 54 is an unfiltered beer with a delicate sweetness, complex taste and a surprisingly light finish that complements its blend of specialty malts and unique spicy aromas. The beer is a deep-bronze color and has a distinctively dense and long-lasting foam head.

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