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Destihl Jivaro Oatmeal Expresso Stout

Brewer: Destihl Brewery
Style: Stout - Milk / Sweet
Alcohol Content: 5.7%
Seasonal: No

Named after the headhunting, beer brewing people of the ‘sacred waterfall’ in South America, this oatmeal stout includes oatmeal in its grist, resulting in a pleasant, full flavor and a smooth profile that is rich without being grainy. A roasted malt character which is caramel/chocolate-like is evident but is smooth and not bitter. Coffee-like roasted barley and roasted malt aromas (chocolate and nut-like) are prominent and only intensified with the use of several pounds of DESTIHL’s own blend of South American coffee in this beer. Underhopping allows the coffee to contribute to the flavor profile while not becoming excessively bitter. Alcohol by Weight (Volume): 4.5% (5.7%) Bitterness (IBU): 26 Color SRM (EBC): 57 (114)

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