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Greenbrier Valley Great Claw

Brewer: Greenbrier Valley Brewing Company
Style: Stout - Imperial
Alcohol Content: 10%
Seasonal: No

The remains of Megalonyx, a.k.a. Great Claw, were discovered in 1796 in Haynes Cave. Designated as our state fossil in 2008, we’re honoring this prehistoric giant sloth again with a suitably heavy imperial stout made to last through winter, till the season is ripe again for plucking berries. Get your claws on a pint of this six-month barrel-aged, limited release behemoth while it lasts. Malts American 2-row, German Vienna, British Roast, British Chocolate, British crystal. Hops Columbus. Style Imperial Stout. Flavor Deep roasted character with a full body. Subtle notes of caramel and chocolate. Aromatic hints of vanilla and oak. Color Black. ABV 10%. IBU 50. Availability December 14th 2019.

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