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Sierra Nevada Double DeBOCKel Beer

Brewer: Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
Style: Bock - Doppelbock
Alcohol Content: 9.4%
Seasonal: No

Double DEBOCKel is brewed in the style of the traditional German doppelbock but with our original Sierra Nevada spin. At the start, our Double DeBOCKel is roasty and malty; it has a rich caramel character, a light bready flavor and mild, pleasant sweetness. It has silky-smoothness resulting from along aging period at near freezing temperatures, and hides its hearty strength with modesty. Double De BOCKel is a boisterous beer that finishes clean; and in true Sierra Nevada fashion the use of a healthy dose of hops leaves the beer surprisingly dry, with nothing but a full-body warmth and a faint malty memory left behind

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