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Shiner 100 Commemorator

Brewer: Spoetzl Brewery (Gambrinus Company)
Style: Bock - Doppelbock
Alcohol Content: 6.7%
Seasonal: No

Shiner 100 Commemorator is a rich and robust brew that is a fitting tribute to our legacy of 100 years of handcrafting stylish and flavorful beers. Commemorator is a bold style that would have been very familiar to Kosmos. One of the highlights of the Bavarian brewing year is the rollout of strong beer or starkbier, developed by monks as “liquid bread” to sustain them through the Lenten season. Commemorator is brewed in that Old-World tradition and embodies the German-Czech heritage Shiner has proudly stood for since 1909. This 17 % original extract dark lager is a blend of two row Munich and Caramel 60 malt mildly spiced with Bavarian Hallertau Tradition and Spalter Select hops to allow the toasted caramel flavor to predominate. Alcohol by Vol.: 6.7 % Original Gravity: 17.0 % Bitterness: 17 IBU Color: 30 SRM Real Degree of Fermentation: 60.7 %

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