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Yeastie Boys Kid Chocolate

Brewer: Yeastie Boys
Style: Mild Ale
Alcohol Content: 3.6%
Seasonal: Special

Is this Yeastie Boys most outrageous beer yet? As most other craft brewers push the upper ends of beer flavour (and alcohol limits) the Yeastie Boys drop down to the lower end (to our favourite beer style) in an attempt squeeze as much flavour as they can from an ale of only 3.6% ABV.

English Mild Ales are refreshing, flavourful, light-flavored, malt-accented beers that are difficult to make but are readily suited to drinking in quantity by thirsty (and/or ’Yeastie’) men and women. Our version, with a uniquely New Zealand twist, is chestnut coloured with a little autumn fruit on both the nose and the palate (from the combination of new world Nelson hops and our old world Yorkshire yeast). Perfect, we think, for drinking through the end of an Indian summer.

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