Skyscraper Brewing Company
No Longer In Business

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  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 9/10
  • SELECTION 6/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 13/20
t0rin0  (1528) Do Not Resuscitate, California | July 3, 2013
Visited during the first and the second anniversary parties. Both times there werent a lot of beers to pick from as they only make three or four but there was food and music and during the first anniversary party the beer and food were free. They also had both vintages of the Christmas beer available to try. The whole family was working. By the second anniversary they were popular enough to sell out the event and make parking a pain. They did a special release once of a terrible infected lager that was aged in a bourbon barrel.

I havent actually seen any of their beers around in a while so I’m guessing they are only contracting at this point. I know they were doing the Gentleman Scholar beer(s) and at different times they did the Blacktop Brewing and even Reaper Ales. There was another one that I came across at Total Wine once but that seemed to be a one time thing. Who knows what these guys are up to these days.

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