Puerto Morelos Beer Guide: Your Puerto Morelos guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Puerto Morelos

88 /100 HWY 307
“Huge thanks to Ernest for his Previous Review. This was a perfect place for a Mexican beer stop half way through my holiday. Having scored 30 micros in a previous shop in Cancun, i wasnt holding out much hope for this,despite Ernests review. But as i was diving in Puerto Morelos it seemed silly not to pop in so, we went there for Lunch knowing that if i didnt score that many beerss we had to eat somewhere anyway. So first the food. Only order ONE pizze between 2-3 it was massive and we way over ordered :-)

But beer. WOW WOW WOW i scored over 20 new mexican micros and they could have done at least 10 more(from my cancun shop). Prices in line with the Cancun shop £3-£4(~$5)

Sadly despite this technically being a brewpub its one of those sporadic brewpubs that sometimes does but often doesnt have anny of there own beers. Which was a little dissapointing. BUt the Bottle range was great.
Service was Great they packed the bottles in 4 slot cloth bags, they them put 4 of eahc of these in Large Plastic bag and packed with ICE to keep them cool.

All in all if you want Mexican Micros this is a Must if near by“
cgarvieuk 3351 days ago
70 /100 HWY 307
“Imagine being in a beer wasteland (tiny Puerto Morelos) and walking into this place (which requires a cab ride back up to the highway if you’re staying in a beach condo or similar)...seeing Duvel, Delirium Tremens, Kapuziner Weissbier, etc., and 30 bottles or more of Mexican micros (Cucapa, Real, Calavera, etc.). And styles that include Imperial Stout and London Porter. I think my lady friend and I tried 9 bottles before we called it an evening. While none of the Mexi-micros were great, a couple were quite drinkable, and this place gets high marks for having a surprisingly good selection for a town that you count yourself lucky to just be able to drink Bohemia in. Kinda noisy when we were there, and simple decor with a couple of big screens showing sports. But definitely worth a stop if you want Cerveceria Real ticks.“
Ernest 3741 days ago
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