Brewed by Rogue Ales
Style: Wheat Ale
Newport, Oregon USA
Serve in Shaker, Weizen


on tap


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RATINGS: 602   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.16/5   IBU: 34   EST. CALORIES: 156   ABV: 5.2%
This Belgian-style blonde ale is an unfiltered fusion of wheat and barley malts, spiced with coriander and ginger.

8 Ingredients:
Malts: Great Western Harrington, Klages and Wheat.
Hops: Saaz.
Specialty: Coriander and Ginger.
Yeast & Water: Rogue’s Pacman Yeast & Free Range Coastal Water.

34 IBU
77 AA
3º Lovibond

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Beese (17536) - Tooting, London, Greater London, ENGLAND - MAR 28, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 28, 2020 Keg at Rogue Public Bar, Portland, OR on 20/07/2008. Nice aroma of banana and coriander. Fairly light body. Very quaffable.

ads135 (8029) - Omaha, Nebraska, USA - OCT 2, 2017
Tried for the first time back in 2011 and only just now adding it to my ratings. Maltier and thicker than the average belgian wit. Lacks the spices I expected as well. Musty and pretty well balanced.

gripweed57 (7586) - Hamilton Square, New Jersey, USA - JUL 4, 2017
From old tasting notes. Labeled as "Rogue Half-a-Weizen". Hazy honey gold color. Interesting earthy citrus wheat malt aroma. Refreshingly bittersweet complex malt flavor, reminiscent of spices and peppercorns. A hint of ginger leads to a big hop finish.

lbianchi66 (1003) - FRANCE - DEC 6, 2015
Robe jaune, peu de mousse. Arômes céréales et fruits jaunes. Goût pêche, caramel, céréales. Final fruits confits. Plutôt longue en bouche. Une bonne bière blanche.

Blairgus (4702) - California, USA - JUL 22, 2015
22 July 2015, tap at Rogue Ales in Portland Airport.yellow, clear, occasional bubbles. nose is light lemon and honey, slightly spiced. med body and mildly fizzy. sweet, lemon, hints of candied ginger, mild yeast. nice.

ryanscourt (1851) - Latrobe, Pennsylvania, USA - JUL 16, 2015
At first thought this was fun and unique with the subtle floral notes coming through but has it went on tended to be more bland.

trapped (7569) - New York, TURKEY - APR 17, 2015
Draught @ Albion. Hazy rich yellow with small off-white foamy head, slight citrus aroma, medium carbonation, faint orange peel taste, abrupt finish. Felt a bit thin and watery.

epeter85 (54) - - NOV 18, 2014
Pours with a flat head. Spicy, dishwater soapy funk in taste. Beer has almost no smell. Very flat tasting and no body at all. Not a good hefeweizen. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

slowrunner77 (19964) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 1, 2014
"agreed more an american wheat than a hefe. no bubbllegum, clove, etc...citrusy, coriander and minimal ginger. not bad, not anything to go out of your way for either."

Darkmagus82 (2303) - - SEP 18, 2014
Transfer from BA review on 7-11-13- Served on tap in a weizen glass Appearance – Served a hazy-golden orange colored brew with a billowy one finger white head. The head had some good staying power with it lasting some time before fading to leave streaky lace on the sides of the glass. Smell – The aroma was rather light overall consisting of a bit of wheat, lemon, orange and banana. While still rather light, the heaviest of the aromas were that of yeast and some spice of coriander and ginger. Taste – The taste was mild upfront consisting of a light wheat and bready flavor with a moderately strong citrus flavor. The citrus was predominantly of an orange nature with hints of lemon mixed within. A yeasty flavor develops quickly in the taste, leaving a rather pasty yeast cake taste on the tongue. The wheat and bread flavors intensify some more toward the end balancing out the yeast and when combined with a bit of ginger spice one is left with a more bready and lightly spiced flavor on the tongue. Mouthfeel – The body of the brew is rather light with a carbonation level that is rather average. The combination of the two make for a smooth feel, which is rather appropriate for the yeasty and bready flavors of the brew. Overall – An alright brew, but noting too exciting. Worth a try but not one I will likely come back to again.

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