Brewed by Feldschlösschen (Carlsberg)
Style: Radler / Shandy
Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Serve in Shaker


on tap


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RATINGS: 19   MEAN: 1.61/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 1.89/5   EST. CALORIES: 75   ABV: 2.5%
Danish: Eve Passion er en alkoholisk, maltbaseret drik med en dejlig forfriskende smag af passionsfrugt. Eve har ingen bitterhed, men er derimod frisk og let perlende. Farven er let gylden og med perlende bobler.
Kort sagt er Eve Passion feminin, chik og let, med masser af stil, selvbevidsthed og perlende charme.
Eve er den forfriskende nyhed til moderne, kvalitetsbevidste kvinder, som prioriterer at gå ud med veninderne trods en travl hverdag og er bevidste om, hvad de indtager og som vægter kvalitet over pris.

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Beerhunter111 (43469) - Beerland, GERMANY - MAR 3, 2014
Hellgelbes Getränk mit geringer Schaumkrone. Geruch sehr süß nach Beeren. Geschmack wässrig süß, Passionsfrucht, kein Biergeschmack.

Camons (20788) - Hasselager, DENMARK - OCT 7, 2011
Bottle @ Home. Pours very light yellow with a fast fading white head. Aroma of sweet with artificial fruit, winegum. Taste is disgustingly sweet with artificial passionfruit, sugar, sweets. Thin body, lively carbonation, sticking sweet finish. 061011

stobbe74 (3788) - DENMARK - AUG 5, 2011
Bottle, 27,5cl. Pours a clear and pale yellow ’beer’ with a weak white head. The aroma is passionfruit. The flavor is likewise passionfruit and sweetness. The palate is sweetness. Overall a really bad example of a beer, they could have saved the malt and just added the passionfruit to an alcoholic soda.

Rasmus40 (34335) - Beder, Aarhus, DENMARK - JUL 30, 2011
Clear very pale yellow without head. Aroma is sweet, artificial passionfruit and sugary. Flavor is quite sweet. Sweet finish. 300711

fonefan (74081) - VestJylland, DENMARK - JUN 21, 2011

Bottle 275ml. @ home.

Clear light to light medium yellow colour with a average, frothy - fizzy and sparkling, fair lacing, mostly diminishing, white head. Aroma is moderate fruity, passion fruit, artificial passion fruit, sweet passion fruit. Flavour is moderate to heavy sweet with a average to long duration, sugary passion fruit, artificial passion fruit. Body is light to medium, texture is watery, carbonation is soft. [20110607]

joergen (41418) - Frederiksberg, DENMARK - MAY 13, 2011
Bottle at home. Clear yellow coloured with a fizzy white head. Sweet and fruity aroma of passion fruit and wine gums. Sweet and fruity flavour of passion fruits and wine gums. Sweet finish.

Ungstrup (51301) - Citizen of the universe, DENMARK - APR 28, 2011
Bottled. A light yellow beer with a white head. The aroma has notes of passionfruit on a lightly malty background. The flavor is sweet with notes of passionfruit on a malty background, but also with hints of metal. The mouthfeel is sticky.

chrisv10 (24517) - DENMARK - APR 20, 2011
Bottle. Clear pale yellow with medium fully diminishing white head Flavour is very sweet, passion fruit, syrup and citrus.

KingCecil (2117) - DENMARK - MAR 27, 2011
Fra flaske, dufter lidt af citrus og ellers af passionsfrugt, lysegul med lidt hvidt skum......smager sødt af passionsfrugt og citrus, tynd eftersmag, i alt en rigtig forfriskning (tøse drink) :)

Plovmand (12135) - Grindsted, DENMARK - MAR 27, 2011
Bottle shared by Kingcecil. Pours clear pale yellow with a bubbly white head. The aroma is citrus and passion fruit. The flavour is passion fruit, citrus and light caramel. Bit artificial.

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