SPAR UK Reviews

Ludger's Mexiqana
Bottle at a tasting. Clear pale yellow. Skunky and vegetal aromas. Sweet, skunky, corn water, vegetal flavors. Light-bodied. Meh.
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Ludger's Classic
bottle @ interspar (budapest) yellow colour, normal body, average carbonated, weak white head, watery texture, corny, oddly sweety taste, it's only 250 ml, but not good at all
Friday, April 5, 2024

Ludger's Classic

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Ludger's Classic
Bottle from a SPAR in Ljubljana. Clear golden yellow color, white coca cola head. Aroma of lightly toasted cereal. Taste is grainy and lightly sweet, light body.Not much here
Monday, December 11, 2023

SPAR Original Dry Cider
Clear gold with plenty of fizz. Has a green apple juice and skin aroma although a little subdued. Taste starts quite sweet with a pleasant if watered down apple juice with a semi dry finish and light tang. Easy drinking mouthfeel and not syrupy like some. Not bad for a macro cider, certainly better than Strongbow and cheaper to boot.
Saturday, November 11, 2023

Ludger's Classic
Enjoyed: Poured from a bottle into mug. Appearance: Clear golden colour, small head. Aroma: Malt, corn. Palate: Light body, moderate carbonation, dry finish. Taste: Malt, herbs, grass, hops. Overall impression: Usual industrial lager, drinkable while cold. Note: Brewed in France.
Friday, September 15, 2023

Ludger's Mexiqana

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Ludger's Classic
0,25 bottle from Spar. Elég igénytelen kis üvegben csavaros kupak alatt egy halván sárga színű söröcske, amin viszont meglepően normális hab volt. "Illata" kukoricás, kicsit dohos, furcsa, nem jó. Hordó van a címkén, és tényleg mintha ilyen állott hordó illata lenne. Szénsav ehhez a kategóriához nagyon kevés, és bizony eléggé - vagy nagyon - vizes a korty is. Talán a melegben a víznél jobb, mivel valamennyi keserűség van benne, jobban oltja a szomjat, és a habja is megmaradt. Ennél sokkal több jót nem tudtam róla elmondani. AMúgy édeskés, kissé büdös, állott hatású, ízhibás sör volt :(
Thursday, August 3, 2023

Ludger's Classic
0.25 l bottle, thanks to Ogi. Shared with Marko. Clear golden, small off-white head. Aroma is plastic, cooked vegetables, grain, perfumy floral. Thin, bland. Plastic flavour, grainy notes. Hard to drink. Dry finish. Disgusting.
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Ludger's Classic
0.25l bottle from some Spar, thx Ogi for bringing it to Hrabren and me. Clear golden body, white head - gone quickly. Weird adjuncty aroma, sweetish, creamy, corny, alcohol. Odd taste, creamy and sweet, light carbonation bite, weird nutty touch, lightly herbal. Just... unusual rather than flat out terrible taste-wise.
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Ludger's Classic
Bottled 250ml. -from Spar Brežice. Clear golden coloured, medium sized white head, grainy corny nose. Sweet malty, grainy, corn and sweet water with short dryish finish.
Saturday, June 24, 2023

SPAR Premium Reserve Cider

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Ludger's Mexiqana
bottle @ interspar (budapest) pale yellow colour, normal body, low carbonated, absolutely no head, moderate sweetness, moderate bitterness, ligtly malty, grainy, corny, some citric taste in the end of the gulp
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Ludger's Mexiqana

Friday, May 12, 2023

Ludger's Mexiqana

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Ludger's Mexiqana
Bottle, 0.33l. Aroma is grassy, floral and grainy with tequila note. Pours clear brown amber color without any head and average sparkling appearance. Taste starts light to medium sweet malty with faint fruitiness and tequila trace without any bitterness. Light body, slick texture and average carbonation in palate. Beerless attempt…
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Ludger's Mexiqana
330 ml bottle. Clear golden coloured, medium white head. Corn aroma. The taste is corn, grain, light rice and sharp bitter finish.
Monday, December 5, 2022

Ludger's Mexiqana
Enjoyed: Poured from a bottle into mug glass. Appearance: Clear golden colour, medium head which soon gets smaller. Aroma: Malt, grains, corn, gentle hops. Palate: Light body, moderate carbonation, dry finish. Taste: Malt, corn, citrus, hops, dry gently bitter aftertaste. Overall impression: Usual industrial lager, drinkable while cold, tasty enough.
Monday, November 7, 2022

Ludger's Mexiqana
Bottle. Clear golden, small white head and nonlasting. Mild grassy nose with artificial tequila feeling. Very mild bittety start, gently sweet. Mild aftertaste. Light body. Very simple, no character.
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Ludger's Mexiqana
Pours clear golden with a thin head. Aroma of malts and corn. Taste of malts, hay, corn. Medium to strong carbonation. Lasting bitter aftertaste
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Ludger's Mexiqana
0.33l transparent bottle. Drank from the bottle. Clear golden color with white head. Aroma of corn and malt. Taste is slightly bitter, but less corny than expected. Pretty good thirst quencher.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Ludger's Mexiqana
0,33 bottle. Usual uncolored corn-light beer bottle. When filled, its head was larger than expected, otherwise it was the color of a pale lager, which seemed quite watery. Sweet, syrupy, corny, malty aroma. The taste is not very memorable.. in fact... It is light, watery, bodyless, nauseating to me, with tasteless corn sweetness in the background. There are few real beer notes. The bitterness is also medicinal, chemical rather than hoppy. Drink it if you like it :) But the foam was nice. *** Szokásos színezetlen kukoricás-light sörös üveg. Kitöltve a vártnál nagyobb volt a habja, egyébként testetlen, elég vizesnek tűnő sima lager színe volt. Édes, szirupos, kukoricás, malátás illat. Íze nem túl emlékezetes.. sőt... Könnyű, vizes, testetlen, számomra émelyítő, ízhibás kukoricás édességgel a háttérben. Kevés igazi sörös jegy érződik. A keserűség is inkább gyógyszeres, vegyszeres, mintsem komlós. Igya az, aki az ilyet szereti :) A habja viszont valóban szép volt.
Thursday, August 4, 2022

Ludger's Mexiqana
Bottle, 0.33l. Pale golden pour, huge soapy white head, short lasting. Minimal broken lacing on the glass. Average lager nose, sweet and malty, corn and grains in the background. Light body, average carbonation. Watery mouthfeel and texture, lightweight. Bittersweet taste. Basic aroma of malt, corn, grass. Quite bland and generic but nothing really offensive about it. Move along, nothing to see here.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Ludger's Mexiqana
Bottled, thx Ogivlado! Golden, clear body, white head. Corn, honey in the aroma. Empty, dry taste, corny, cardboardy, dull but generally harmless.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Ludger's Mexiqana
0.33 l bottle thanks to Ogi who bought it in Spar. Shared with Marko. Clear golden. Small off-white head. Corn aroma. Wet paper or cardboard. Corn flakes. Light body, bland, papery, sugary, fake, malty. Thin, moderate to high carbonation. Abrupt finish.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Ludger's Mexiqana
Bottled 330ml. -from local Spar. Clear golden coloured, medium sized white head, corn and weak bready nose. Corn, grain, light rice and touch of metal with short almost tasteless finish. Watery as well. 6 pack only available...Crap
Sunday, June 5, 2022

Ludger's Mexiqana

Friday, May 6, 2022

SPAR Original Dry Cider
Can from Spar Service Station, Littleborough. Glowing Golden with a small carbonation. About as bland tasting as it gets, only a modicum of apple to be found.
Thursday, April 28, 2022

SPAR Premium Reserve Cider
# 2803; 3/2022. Aroma of apples and honey, flowers. Brilliant gold body. Apple juicy, crispy, slightly tart, crispy. Below average cider. 0,5 l, bottle, supermarket, Lincoln (Lincolnshire, England).
Friday, March 18, 2022

SPAR Apple Cider
# 2802; 3/2022. Light fruity aroma. Brilliant gold body. Unripe apple, sugar, sharp crispy, sticky finish. Bad cider. 0,5 l, clear glass bottle, supermarket, Lincoln (Lincolnshire, England).
Friday, March 18, 2022

SPAR Pear Cider
# 2796; 3/2022. Fruity, spicy aroma. Brilliant straw body. Sweet, crispy, pears, spicy, honey. Very sweet but drinkable perry. 0,5 l, clear glass bottle, supermarket, Lincoln, (Lincolnshire, England).
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

SPAR Pear Cider
Pale clear straw colour, brief fizz. Aroma suffers the same fate as their apple cider in being a little over sweetened and syrupy but their is more fruitiness to this one. This flows through to the taste in being a touch artificial and syrup noted but their is a nice pear fruity tang to it albeit a bit sugary. Mouthfeel is a little syrupy but a spritzy carbonation works well with this limited Perry, some dryness to offset the sweetness. Much better than their apple cider.
Friday, October 29, 2021

SPAR Apple Cider
Bottle from Spar. Pours a clear gold with brief fizz. Aroma of syrupy apple concentrate although some apple skin notes come through. Taste is the same, very artificial and sweet, reasonable crispness but then the mouthfeel is one of lingering syrup. Not good at all.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

SPAR Pear Cider

Sunday, August 22, 2021

SPAR Apple Cider
Sample thanks to Grumbo. Can't imagine why this has escaped me until now. Spritzy, sweet, artificially flavoured character in aroma and taste. Did not serve over ice as instructed on the label, regrettably.
Monday, October 12, 2020

SPAR Apple Cider
8/9/2020. Bottle from SPAR, East Ipswich. Served extra cold (over ice) as instructed by the label. Poured clear fizzy gold with no lasting head. Aroma of apple juice. Moderate sweetness and tartness. Crisp, light, dry finish. Better than expected.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

SPAR Premium Reserve Cider
500ml bottle; BBE Jul 2021. Drank at home on Cider Day, 24th Apr 2020, during the virus Lock In. Tasted of apples.
Friday, April 24, 2020

SPAR Apple Cider
Clear 500ml bottle; BBE Sep 2012. Drank at home on 24th Apr 2020 during the Lock In. Tasted of apples, no head.
Friday, April 24, 2020

SPAR Pear Cider
Clear 500ml bottle; BBE Aug 2012. Drank at home during the Lock In, on 24th Apr 2020. Cider Day! Pale body, tasted of pears.
Friday, April 24, 2020

SPAR Premium Reserve Cider
500ml (5.8%) at home on 29 Mar 2020, purchased from Spar, Boswell Park, Ayr on 9 Mar 2019 (bbe Aug 2019): tart apple, meadow aroma, golden yellow with no head retention, apple flavour with some sourness, rather fizzy.
Friday, April 3, 2020

SPAR Original Dry Cider
440ml can from Spar, Hartlepool. Sparkling, golden colour, short-lived fizzy white foam head and aroma of apple, slightly fruity & sugary, with maybe a sulphur hint. Taste is sweetish, tangy, apple, sugary undernote, drying, some tartness. Light to medium bodied, spritzy carbonation, dry & tart finish. OK macro cider.
Sunday, March 1, 2020

SPAR Premium Reserve Cider
500ml bottle from SPAR, Saltburn. Golden colour, white foamy head that quickly dissipates away and aroma of fruity, apple, citric. Taste is juicy apple, alittle apple core and skin, with fruity notes, some wood and light tannin hint. Medium bodied, spritzy carbonation, dry tangy finish. Quite OK
Sunday, July 28, 2019

SPAR Pear Cider
500ml bottle from SPAR, Saltburn. Very pale yellow green colour, white foamy head that gradually dissipates away and aroma of citric, pear, slight caramel hint. Taste is sweet, pear, floral, citric, tart fruity, with woody, sulphury notes. Syrupy mouthfeel, spritzy carbonation, sweet and drying finish. Kind of OK.
Sunday, July 28, 2019

SPAR Premium Reserve Cider
50cl bottle from Spar. No head. Clear golden pour. Not too sweet, like the pear/apple ciders from Spar.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SPAR Apple Cider
50cl bottle from Spar. thin white head. Clear golden pour. Too sweet, meh!
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SPAR Pear Cider
50cl bottle from my local Spar. Thin white head. Clear pale golden pour. Too sweet.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SPAR Apple Cider
500ml bottle (4.5%) shared with mother at home on 12 May 2019, from SPAR, Boswell Park, Ayr (bb 31 Dec 2019): sweet apple aroma, pale golden amber, no head, a few streams of bubbles, tangy apple flavour, medium dry.
Sunday, May 12, 2019

SPAR Apple Cider
Bottle, Spar, Wigston. Pale golden with light carbonation. Dusty apple with artificial sweetener. Tangy. It's OK.
Saturday, February 2, 2019

SPAR Pear Cider
Bottle, Spar, Wigston. Near clear with light carbonation. Sweet pear with sugars. Pear drop sweets sourness. Spritzy. £1. Not terrible.
Saturday, February 2, 2019

SPAR Premium Reserve Cider
28/3/2018. Bottle from SPAR by the Brockley train station. Extreme gusher on opening, unusual for a cider. Poured bright gold with a frothy white head. Aroma of sweet apples, caramel, slightly oaky and lightly perfumed. Medium plus sweetness, light tartness. Medium body, oily texture, above average carbonation. Sweeter finish. So so.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018