Nine G Brewing Co. Reviews

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Bottle. Caramel malt and sweet orange hops aroma. Murky amber with a small ivory head. Caramel malt and orange peel hops flavor. Medium body, soft carbonation. Pretty good, considering it’s an old bottle from an out of business brewery.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Bottle. Hersey chocolate syrup and Irish cream aroma. Black brown with a small tan head. Chocolate, coffee, and molasses flavor. Medium to full body, light carbonation. Old bottle from a retired brewery, which aged remarkably well.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nine G Bitchin Betty Citrus Wheat Beer
Bottle. Very light sweet, nondescript aroma. Hazy honey gold with a small white head. Flat sweet malt flavor. Medium body, light carbonation. Old bottle from a retired brewery. Wasn’t expecting much.
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
12 oz. thanks alex! pours a murky dark caramel with a loose off white head. lots of caramel and mild grapefruit on the nose. probably used to smell pretty damn good. creamy medium body with some modest carb. caramel, grapefruit, oranges, and toast on the mid palate. lingering piney finish.
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Cardboardy notes with caramel sweetness, earthy old oxidized hops. Golden orange, thin white ring, soft lace. Cardboard, black pepper, orangey sweetness, light vanilla. Lingering soft oxidation and black peppery hops. Really not that bad, just old. Probably a nice beer when fresh. Held up decently and turned into a light barleywine.
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
12oz bottle, thanks Alex. Pours a orangish golden with decent lookin dirty off white head. Caramel malt, honey, biscuit, cardboard, and still decent amount of hops showing through. Bitter, bready, light pepper, old herbal hops, oxidation showing but still not bad. I bet this was quite tasty when fresh.
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Infidel Imperial Pale Ale--2006 12 oz. Bottle. 8.40% ABV. 75 IBU’s? (4.0 / 5.0) Mild lacy head. Clear rich golden color. Mild floral hop front. Rich sweet big crystal malt body. Mild earthy hop spice EtOH end. Malt over Hops but still Rich and Hoppy. Sampled 12/17/2006.
Monday, April 26, 2010

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Many thanks to HogTownHarry for this. Pours dark brown/ruby with a cream head. Aroma: Coffee, chocolate, cream some malt, hazelnut, fudge. Flavour: Initially quite a thin body with a carbonation bite, however as it warms up it becomes more smooth and creamy, malt and peat comes to the front, coffee, chocolate and a mild creamy turf finish. Nice.
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Very dark brown with a two finger tan head. Aroma of chocolate with roasted and sweet malts. Taste of roasted malts, chocolate and coffee. Finishes up with a dry roasty semi-bitter finish. The signs of age were a bit noticeable but overall it wasn’t too bad.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nine G Bitchin Betty Citrus Wheat Beer
Pours gold with a pillowy white head. Smells of sweet wheat and some sweet citrussy hints. Some perfumy hints are also there. Tastes of sweet malt, some oranges, honey, some sweet tarte citrus on the finish.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nine G Wingman Amber Ale
Pours dark red with a pinkish head. Smells of sweet malt with some fruity hints. Tastes of sweet malt and very vegetal.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Another beer from these guys with a cool label. I hope whoever the artist is who did these is making labels for other brewers. Pours dark brown with a light brown head. Smells of sweet malt and some chocolate. Tastes of roasted malt with some nice chocolatey hints on the finish.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Nifty label. Pours amber with a thin off white head. Smells of bitter citrus and some sweet malt. Tastes malty with lots of citrussy undertones and some bitterness on the finish.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
pretty looking dark translucent amber with a thin tan head and nice lacing. florally-grapefruit aroma. yummy hops and grapefruit flavor. finishes nicely bitter with some lingering florally-grapefruit. a top notch offering. i’m going to run out and buy more. what? it’s retired? never mind.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Significantly better than the double IPA. Pours out a black color with a nice big head on it. Smells sweet and has some chocolate and a little bit of coffee in it. There isnt much going on taste wise, it seems like there may have been more flavor at some point, but now this beer just tastes weak and old. It was drinkable, but thats about all I would say for it.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Bottle from Craig. Thanks? I am not sure if this is the freshest bottle. Pours out a cloudy brown color with almost no head. There is some hops noted, with a little bit of grass and pine left, but thats about it. Taste is somewhat bitter, but it tastes like a beer that is well past its prime. I think I figured out why this brewery is now defunct, as this beer kind of sucks to be honest. Half of this fouled up my sink. Thanks for the rating though Craig, at least it is a rare beer since it is no longer made...
Monday, January 28, 2008

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
[992-20071223] 355mL (c/o GregClow, w/ him, jerc). Fruity dark malt aroma has a lightly smoked background. Clear, dark brown body with a medium-lasting creamy light tan head. Dry roasted coffee malt flavour. Full body has a dry bitter finish. Nice though a little odd.
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
A good IPA, for those who enjoy India Pale Ales. Their slogan doesnt lie, loaded with hops. Missing something...slightly over done, but good.
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Bottle shared with jerc & mabel - my bottle obtained from HogTownHarry. Deep brown with a small tan head. Aroma of roast malt and sweet cocoa powder. Medium body. Flavour is a bit dryer than expected from the flavour, with a bitter roastiness and moderate hops in the finish. Not bad.
Monday, December 24, 2007

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Bottle. Black body with a small khaki head. (3+) Modest roasty aroma, very light acidity. Similar flavour of moderate roast that lingers long into the finish and aftertaste. Moderate bitterness from the roast. Average palate. Not unpleasant but not particularly inspiring either. 6/3+/6/3/12
Monday, December 24, 2007

Nine G Wingman Amber Ale
Say whatever you will about Nine G, but these guys did put out 4 different bottle-conditioned beers in an attempt at serious quality. And they really did not do a bad job - their beers are all of at least passable quality, and I’ve had enough of them to know, as they brewed the beer in a building that has been in my family for years!

On to the beer...well, it is a malty sucker from the get go, with brown sugar and maple components. Unfortunately in this aged bottle there is some diacetyl too. Good job with some late bitterness balancing the whole thing out. Body is very nice and creamy; certainly not thin. An easy drinking well-balanced amber ale - typical for the style it is a little boring.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Hmmmm, retired. As well it should be. Large tan head that lasts, minimal lace. Hazy orange/light copper color. Nose is funky, spicey, sorta grassy, lightly fruity. Body is light for the style, over carbonated with an aggressive astringency on the palate. Funky fruit flavors, coriander? Celery? faint citrus with some horrid vegetal notes, malt? Dry finish that just lasts way too long. I think i over-rated this one! Thanks Robert!
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Bottle courtesy of Robert at SL. Pour was orange in color, head and lacing average. The aroma was full grassy, earthy, herbal hops with some spiciness elements too, quite imperial pilsner like in aroma. The flavor was comparable to the aroma, coming of much like an imperial pilsner for me in the hop profile (which was dominant here, yet still with some citrus aspects), although the malts were a little bit caramel like with an added mustiness. Overall an unimpressive product, but a fun experience nonetheless. Thanks, Robert!
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Bottled. I think Harry sent this my way! Poured a rather thin deep brown with a nice, but short-lived cap of deep tan head. The aroma picked up deeply-roated, yet sweet dark chocolate, coffee, and lighter dark fruitage with mild, yet still present herbal notes behind.. just the faintest bit buttery.. smelled great to me! The flavor held serve.. smooth milkier chocolates wash over the tongue at ease with lower carbonation on the fore.. the middle found more carbonation, and the milky chocolates fade into slightly-burnt darker chocolates, coffee, and caramel.. what little bitterness there was came primarily from the coffee and worked well. Medium-bodied with great balance.. carbonation arose when necessary, the bitterness was light, but complimenatry, and the sweet, yet burnt finish gave a long, dry impression on the finish. This was a mighty fine porter, and it’s a damn shame that it’s no longer being made.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Nine G Wingman Amber Ale
Had this beer on 6/13/2006. Aroma is a mild roasted scent with a hint of skunk to it. Color is a nice deep amber with good carbonation and tight head. Taste is sweet and hoppy. Starting with a medium body it goes down smooth with a sweet feel. Finish comes on with a sweet caramel malt flavor backed by a good bitterness and ending with a mild hop flavor. Overall its just as they describe it to be. Its a well rounded brew with a nice rich feel.
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Big time malt chocolate and slight caramel notes. Pours a deep brown color with almost missing head. Very bitter, even for a beer that sat in my cellar for a year or so.
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Very good. This beer is for true IPA lovers; lots of hops and a nice sweetness that holds it all together.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Dark brown body under a foamy tan head. Chocolate, roasted nuts, coffee, toffee. Medium body, watery. Somewhat pleasant bitterness, unsweetened coffee. Forgettable.
Monday, October 8, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Bottle. Pine and grapefruit hops aroma - light hint of caramel malt. Cloudy orange brown color with large head. Strong pine hops flavor with light caramel malt just barely coming through. A hop-lovers dream.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Quite a nice surprise here...Big robust PNW hop nose: pine and grapefruit. The flavors are a well-balanced meld of caramel malt breadiness and a big bitter hit of pine resin and grapefruit rind. This is a fine effort by a decent brewer.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Bottle. Chocolate malt and charcoal aroma. Dark brown with small head. Chocolate malt flavor with charcoal being less apparent. Moderate hops finish - a nice hoppy porter.
Monday, September 17, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Courtesy dsnowden. Pours a cloudy dark orange with a small light tan head. Smells of musty grapefruit and orange citrus with hops seemingly in the background. Not what I was expecting from a double IPA. The hops are more apparent in the flavor, but the malt presence was huge as well. Pretty big bitterness to it, and the citrus tasted a little too funky. The hops were subdued and the malts were overpowering. Not that good, but probably past its prime.
Monday, August 27, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Bottle: Not a bad IPA. Average frothy head and amber appearance. Not a bad IPA, but not enough hops for me.
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Nine G Wingman Amber Ale
12oz bottle acquired in trade with shigadeyo (thanks!). Poured a medium and cloudy amber color with an averaged sized off white head. Aromas of toasted nuts, caramel, and earthy. Tastes of caramel, toasted malts, and very light citrus (oranges).
Monday, August 20, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
(Bottle) Pours an orange body with a medium beige head. Aroma of florals, sweet caramel, and tangerine. Flavor of hops, toffee, and breadiness.
Monday, August 20, 2007

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Bottle courtesy shigadeyo. Thanks, Craig! Pours hazy blackish brown with a thin tan head. Aroma of chocolate, sweet coffee, nuts. Body tends to light, almost watery with light carbonation. Taste of vanilla, coffee. Roasty and bitter espresso dry finish.
Friday, August 17, 2007

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
12 oz bottle: Aroma is chocolate notes, malts, espresso, a sugary almost maple syrup like quality to the scent. Appearance is an opaque brownish/black with a medium sized tan head that lingers for quite a while. Flavor consists of big malt overtones, with chocolate, and a bit of caramel mixed within. really creamy, and the toffee comes through in the taste as well. Also including coffee and a bit of smoke would round out the taste of this brew. Palate is sticky and somewhat dry at first and as it lingers. It becomes slightly metallic on the back end. Overall, Hey I liked this brew. Pretty good stuff.
Friday, August 17, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
My bottle was a bit old as it had some cloudiness and sediment which are faux pas for an IPA. Still, doubtful it had that much an impact. Not really anything to say about this. It’s a strong IPA, that’s what. The important thing is that I just added a rating to my total.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Bottle: Pours a cloudy amber color with an off white head that leaves some nice lacing. Aroma, perfumy hops, floral and slight citrus notes. Flavor, caramel and pale malts, floral and citrus hops, some hints of alcohol. Lots of hop flavors and sweet malts, some lingering bitterness. Surprisingly drinkable (I was expecting the worst), really pretty decent.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Nice crystal clear orange/amber coloured body with a thinnish off-white head. Aroma of fresh apricots, peaches, light hops, malt and even more pit fruits. Medium-bodied; Strong malty flavour coupled with a good hoppy character, but nothing even remotely close to an imperial ipa. Strong hops linger in the aftertaste, but don’t contain all the taste in this one. Overall, a good beer - more malt than anything else and not much hops at all - perhaps enough to be classified in my book as an APA. Regardless, worth trying if you can find it, since it apparently is a ’retired’ beer. I sampled this twelve ounce bottle purchased last year at Merchant’s in Dearborn, Michigan on 28-July-2007 on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
12 ounce bottle from Bello Vino in Ann Arbor, MI (June 2007), drunk at cellar temperature from a Unibroue glass. Retired, huh? I just picked it up because I liked the cool devil label, knew nothing about brewery, knew not that it was retired, that the brewery had ceased to exist. Shows how many breweries there are in the midwest, still largely unexplored....anyway, this pours forth a huge frothy, quite stable off-white head with thick lacing left as it finally does fade, all atop a quite clear bronze/copper body....the nose is all fruity at first, lots of overripe apricots and peaches, then a bit of caramel and a touch of alcohol creep in, a hint of vanilla; it’s all a bit too sugary but not really unpleasant.....on the tongue, quite sweet, a tad syrupy, but the dry and very bitter and woody hops show up quickly and by midpalate you’re feeling the heat, by the finish its nothing but harshness as far as the "taste", but at the same time the syrupy sweetness has degenerated into a cloying mush, and the mouthfeel is just soggy and’s a shame, really, as it looks so beautiful both in the bottle and the glass, but I guess on the whole I’m not too bothered that I won’t be readily able to get another bottle of this.
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Not as hoppy or as bitter as I feel a IIPA should be, great head retention and laceing.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Bottle courtesy of Naven. Doughy, caramel, w/ a bitter finish w/out a distinct hop rpofile. Cloying.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
12 oz bottle from Bello vino. Awesome label. Nice amber color, and an interesting nose of orange and malt. Flavor was more malt-forward. The hops were there, but somewhat subdued and fairly harsh. I tend to like the more citrus/grapefruit hop flavors. This reminded me of DFH 90 minute. not quite enough to interest this west coast hop head, but still pretty good.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Pours deep gold with initially tall off white head. This pour needed some care so it wouldn’t foam over. It has an inviting sweet sticky malt aroma with the added dimension of a vague hoppiness. I also get a cherry candy aroma too. The aroma could really have a bigger hop presence being that it’s an IIPA brew. The flavor starts with a thick syrupy malt sensation that anchors the flavor. As the taste progresses the pine hops go from somewhat sweet to full on pine bitterness. The pine hops also grow in intensity into the finish. I also get hints of cherry candy fruitiness. Interesting IIPA that comes up a bit short here and there. I still enjoyed the experience.
Thursday, July 5, 2007

Nine G Bitchin Betty Citrus Wheat Beer
6/09/2007: Nine G Bitchin’ Betty Citrus Wheat Beer pours a cloudy golden yellow color with a thin, frothy, off-white head. The aroma has some wheat and delicate citrus zest. The flavor is much the same with some floral notes to the mild to moderate bitterness (mostly in the finish) and maybe even a touch of honey. This beer has a medium-light body and is pretty smooth on the palate. The level of carbonation is somewhat soft and subdued. Decent, but not very exciting. It definitely needs a wedge of orange or lemon or even lime to jazz it up a bit...

12 oz bottle (Alc By Vol 5.3%; Please Enjoy Before: 50276) sent to me by shrubber85. Thanks Roger! I appreciate it.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
Bottle from Shigadeyo. Pours deep brown with a tan head. Lively but fine carbonation, and medium/full texture. Aroma is roasty, with hints of nuts and coffee grounds. Flavor of dark roast malts, coffee, and unsweetened bitter chocolate. Finish is dry, hoppy, with a sharp burnt coffee bitterness. Almost impy stout like in finish. Not bad, but I would love to see a bit more residual sweetness to round this out. This definitely needs to warm up before you drink it. I hate to see a brewery go under. The two beers I have had from Nine G were decent (although I hear the others were not as good).
Sunday, June 3, 2007

Nine G Blacksnake Porter
6/01/2007: Blacksnake Porter pours a very dark cola brown with a lasting foamy tan crown that leaves intricate lacing patterns. The aroma is coffee, roasted malt, with a note of cream/lactose-like quality toward the back. The flavor is quite robust with ample roasted malt, dark bitter chocolate, blended coffee, and a tinge of that cream/lactic flavor. It has a very dry, somewhat roasty (with some dark chocolate as well), and quite bitter finish. The bitterness builds up through the finish and then lodges in the back of your mouth along with a slightly burnt flavor and stays there as it slowly fades away. This beer has a medium to medium-full body and is very smooth with an adequate level of carbonation. Overall this is a pretty solid porter. After having this and the Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale I’m a bit disappointed that the brewery is now out of business and these beers will no longer be available...

12 oz bottle. Alc by Vol 5.3%. Please Enjoy Before: 51279.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Nine G Infidel Imperial India Pale Ale
Bottle from Shigadeyo. Thanks Craig, I likes me a IIPA. Pours a hazy amber with a sudsy off white head. Citrus hop aroma, but with lots of wet crystal malt aromas blended in. Initial flavor of pale malts (caramel, toffee), but those flavors are quickly overpowered by a strong citrusy and piney hoppiness. Long dry grassy bitter finish that lingers. Much better than I expected, and with a very aggressive hop profile. I just think the malt backbone could have used some more "oomf". Too bad these guys are out of business, because this was a good IIPA that I would have bought again, and much better than Mishawaka Hophead IMO
Friday, June 1, 2007

Nine G Wingman Amber Ale
5/31/2007: Wingman Amber Ale is amber in color with an even haze/cloudiness throughout. There is a generous amount of visible carbonation and a puffy biege head that slowly disappears. A medium maltiness and some caramel is present in the aroma. The flavor has some toast, caramel, and a balancing bitterness. There are alos hints of nuts and weak chocolate later on. The bitterness seems a bit stronger in the finish as well. The beer has a medium body and average palate. It is a little chewy up front but thins out over time. So-so overall, but I probably woundn’t have it again which is okay since Nine G Brewing Company is now out of business and this beer is no longer made! 12 oz bottle. Alc by Vol 5.3%
Thursday, May 31, 2007