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Czech microbrewery festival in the courtyard of the Purkistr brewery in the Pilsen satellite village of Černice.
There should be over 100 beers available. This year’s list of participating breweries includes:
Velký Rybník, Velichovský Forman, Zvíkovská Zlatá Labuť, Belveder, U Rybiček, Permon, Zámecký Pivovar Chýše, Piv. dvůr Chýně, Piv. Dvůr Lipan Dražíč, Koutské Pivo (Modrý Abbé) Strahovský Klášterní Pivovar, Pivařský Dům Praha, U Bansethů, U Medvídků, Kocour Varnsdorf, Valášek, Zámecký Pivovar Oslavany
Last year there were several stands offering food. Most brewery stalls sold beer to take away in PET bottles

Cost: Free entry

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motelpogo 9/17/2009 list of breweries has been updated. there are 5 czech breweries i´ve never heard of before

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