An Evening with Dieu Du Ciel!


HMH Beer Negotiants would like to invite you to spend an evening with Microbrasserie Dieu Du Ciel! on Saturday October 3rd. 2009. The Founders and brewers will be present to celebrate the release of their Peche Mortel(Imperial Coffee Stout) and Corne Du Diable(American IPA) into the LCBO. The tasting will take place between 7pm-2am at Barvolo, where you will be able to try a handful of Dieu Du Ciel beers on tap and cask!

Admission will be $10.00 which includes a Dieu Du Ciel! Glass!. $2.00 will be donated to Sick Kids charity.

Draught Beers Available
Aphrodisiaque – Cocoa and Vanilla Stout
Corne du diable (Horn of the devil) – American Style IPA
Dernière Volonté (Last will) - Abbey-style blond beer
Péché Mortel (Mortal Sin) – Imperial Coffee Stout with Coffee
Rigor Mortis ABT (Rigor Mortis ABT) - Quadrupel
Rosée d’hibiscus (Pinkish Hibiscus) - Hibiscus Flower Wit
Solstice d’hiver 2009 (Winter solstice 2009) – Barley Wine
+ 2 Surprise Casks Available!

Event Poster:

Cost: $10.00


[email protected]


MrManning 9/20/2009
Should be a great event, I'll be in Toronto all day on a Pub Crawl, so if anyone wants to meet up, let me know.

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