Harpoon Founder’s Night


Founders Night in Burlington, VT
Friends of Harpoon are invited to come out to American Flatbread in Burlington, VT to meet and talk beer with Harpoon co-founder Rich Doyle. Rich will be at American Flatbread from 6 to 8 PM on Tuesday, November 16, 2010.

We have teamed up with our pals at American Flatbrread to have a special beer lineup, featuring 10 Harpoon beers:

A specially prepared Cask-conditioned Harpoon IPA
4 different Harpoon Leviathan Series beers, including Triticus
Harpoon Munich Dark
All-natural Harpoon Cider
2 beers from the Harpoon 100 Barrel Series
Harpoon IPA
Tasting pours will be available for all these beers at special pricing. American Flatbread is going to match pizza specials to the beers with a special menu for the night.

What makes this a special event? First, Rich will share a beer with you and chat about Harpoon, the beers, and the craft beer industry.

Second, when you show your Friend of Harpoon card to Rich or the Harpoon representative on site, Harpoon will give you a Harpoon Leviathan Series glass to take home.

American Flatbread is located at 115 St. Paul Street in Burlington, VT. So grab your Friend of Harpoon card and come out to meet Harpoon co-founder Rich Doyle. We hope to see you on Tuesday night.

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