15th Richmond Gathering


Beer tasting. Everyone is invited. Bring beer.

NOTE: This is a different location from previous gatherings. Shoot Butters a beermail for more info.

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Kinz 7/15/2011
I’m in!
Butters 7/14/2011
The location has been changed to Chris and Carrie's house: 1504 Marcuse Ave. Richmond, VA 23228
BrewEngineer 7/12/2011
Expect a few growlers for this event. I have some goodies from Westbrook and COAST brewing.
BeerandBlues2 7/5/2011
Sadly, I am not going to be able to make it after all.
Drake 7/3/2011
I’m officially in. Woot! Now where the heck am I going? Brad, I’ll bring those Nogne O beers. I looked around but the Strangford Lough stuff is gone. You might get lucky at a Total Wine or something.

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