East Croydon Beer Tasting


Tasting at Paul & Lorna’s humble abode in Croydon.

Please bring along some interesting beers to share (Leighton - please leave the Strong European Lagers at home).

Hand-crafted Croydon Fresh Hop and Amber Ale may also be on offer.

Cost: Your dignity

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Benzai 10/10/2011
Thanks for inviting me, I'll try to bring something interesting, but I'm not sure my suitcase will be under 15kg :( We'll see!
tdtm82 10/5/2011
I've got access to a lot of ciders so I'll bring cider in cartons.
Leighton 10/4/2011
Fine. I’ll just bring weak European lagers. I prefer those, anyway. And how far is the Croydon/Wallington fest from your house? You going before Saturday?

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