Northwich Beer Festival 2012


Friday Evening 5:00pm - 11:00pm
Tickets £6.00 (£7.00 on the door)

Saturday Lunchtime 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Tickets £3.00

Saturday Evening 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Tickets £5.00 (£6.00 on the door)

We are planning another great event in this our 19th year of the festival, the last one at this venue
It’s popularity just grows and grows

This is down to two main factors:

The Beer & The Bands

The Beer Festival is organised by The Rotary Club of Northwich, The Rotary Club of Northwich Vale Royal and CAMRA - North Cheshire, without whose help and support the event
wouldn’t be possible

Last year we raised over £8,000 that was distributed through the Rotary clubs to support local charities - mainly:

St. Lukes Hospice, The Winsford Neuromuscular Centre,
Age Concern, Cheshire Carers, MenCap
Multisports, Joshua Tree, Winington Scout Group

Cost: £3-£7


Rotary Club of Northwich
01565 733041


undercurrent25 9/23/2012
Not a bad festival, I found the international bar too expensive £2.50 for half a Flying Dog Doggie Style! Good meeting up with DJMonarch (Neil) too
DJMonarch 9/20/2012
Been asked to do the judging of Champion Beer of Cheshire again so will be attending this on the Friday. Hope to see you there undercurrent25!

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