Jackie-O’s Anniversary 7th Party


The 7th Anniversary Extravaganza will be held on Friday 12/14 and Saturday 12/15. 40 different beers on draft, 7 bottles, and maybe a new 6oz taster glass shape/design. Tickets will go out on Friday 12/14 at 5pm on the brewpub side. Sale will start at 11am on the public house side on Saturday 12/15. Cash only for bottles and apparel/glassware. Bottles to be released include BB Brick Kiln, RB Brick Kiln, RB Oil, BB Skipping Stone, BBDA, Thorogood, Oaky Golden Pucker (46 month aged sour).

[email protected]


JoeTheYounger 3/6/2013
SHow me your 'O Face
JStax 12/5/2012
There will be a bottle share at O'Betty's two doors down from Jackie-Os on Friday night. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to gpawned on beeradvocate.com. He is the one arranging this bottle share.

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