Bamberg Post Xmas Blues Jolly


I’ve pretty much finalised the itinerary for this.

It’s ’tick’ heavy but those of you who just want to stay in 1 bar for longer can obviously skip one or two venues and catch up with us as and when.

I am presently putting together a full itinerary with train times, maps etc etc.

For those of you who’s email addresses I don’t hold I’ll drop you a BM in the coming days so I can send you a copy.

Friday 24th.

1.) Air Brau - Munchen Flughafen
2.) Rewe supermarket Freising (stock up on some bottles for the first few trains)
3.) Brauerei Kneitinger or the keller - Regensburg
4.) Bruckmuller Brauwirsthaus - Amberg
5.) Schloderer Brau - Amberg
6.) Brauerei Winkler - Amberg
7.) Toom (bottle shop - pick up some beers from the Brau Hauses we didn’t make it to) - Amberg
8.) Sperber Brau - Sulzbach Rosenberg
9.) Zum Fuchsbeck - Sulzbach Rosenberg
10.) Bamberger Weissbierhaus - Bamberg
11.) Mahrs Brau - Bamberg
12.) Brauerei Keesman - Bamberg

Saturday 25th.

1.) Fasla - Bamberg
2.) Brauerei Spezial - Bamberg
3.) Lowenbrau - Buttenheim
4.) Sankt Georgean - Buttnheim
5.) Backsteinhausla - Altendorf
6.) Brauereil Neder - Forchheim
7.) Brauerei Greif (need to confirm this is open) - Forchheim
8.) Brauerei Eichorn - Forchheim
9.) Kitzmann Brauschanke - Erlangen
10.) Steinbach Brau - Erlangen
11.) Hinterhaus - Erlangen
12.) Cafe Abseits - Bamberg TASTING
13.) Klosterbrau - Bamberg
14.) Ambrausianum - Bamberg
15.) Schlenkerla - Bamberg

Sunday 26th.

1.) Wirsthaus Weissbrau Huber - Freising
2.) Hofbrauhaus Keller - Freising
3.) Weihestephaner Am Dom - Freising
4.) Air Brau - Munchen Flughafen
5.) The airside bar - Munchen Flughafen - grab 1 last beer !

Ronny has kindly set up a spreadsheet for the tasting. As always try to bring stuff that is a new rate for all, although realise this isn’t always easy with 4 folks just either side of 10K rates!






Erlangernick 1/5/2014
Greif is open til 14.00 on Sat. The Backsteinhäusla in Altdorf has the same Löwenbräu beers as at the Brauereigaststätte, so no reason to spend time there unless you miss a train and have time to kill.
Theydon_Bois 1/4/2014
I’d say bring a few with you Ronny - Swedish rates that no one has had? I’m planning to bring some stuff from either the UK or the US. Hell yeah - that sounds good Ronny !
rlgk 1/4/2014
How about Qvänum Ekfatslagrad Ambassadörsporter Imperial? :)

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