Siren MTB


A Ticketed Meet the Brewer but open bar with 21 Siren Beers on

Beer list, available by following link.

Cost: £20for the Official event

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Stuu666 9/3/2013
I’m assuming it will just be the mystery beer and perhaps the pin on the bar that won’t be on at opening. As an aside - I can only post one comment? Because I haven’t paid?
anon84892 9/2/2013
I'll probably get there after 6
McNeillR 9/2/2013
I might be able to get away by about 3, Tuesdays aren’t the easiest, but I’d try and have a quiet word with someone behind the scenes that we’d be able to get our hands on everything before MTB kick off. In saying that with the spread of beers, I can’t
cgarvieuk 9/2/2013
I should be ther 4:30 to 5pm; and Niall most usually go on early, just a few that may need sweet talk or wed visit

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