Flocktoberfest 2013


Sir Francis Drake was English. Oktoberfest is German. Drakes come from Duckburg. But Drake’s Brewing Company is American through-and-through, so we’re not going to let such geographical and sociological details stop us from throwing our very own Flocktoberfest again this year.

As we did last year, we’ll be featuring Fatted Calf sausages with sides from Chef Miles at our sister restaurant Jupiter. This year, we’ll also be featuring desserts from Native Baking Co. And yes, vegans, we’ll have vegan sausage for you, as well.

The shindig will be Friday, September 20th, from 6pm to 9pm. Tickets include the full meal of a sausage with all the fixins & sides, dessert, and a half-liter Flocktoberfest stein with a fill of our very own Oktoberfest beer Hausfest included.

The Barrel House will be open for normal business as well, and we will have a little extra food for purchase that night, but only this ticket will include all the sides and the stein.

Cost: $20

510 562-0866


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