2013 release of Vida Y Muerte by 5 Rabbit Cerveceria


5 Rabbit Brewery’s Vida y Muerte returns! For fall, we wanted to make a beer that celebrates the spirit of the harvest season. The name means “Life and Death,” which reflects the seriousness that agricultural people placed on the harvest, an important thought to reflect on at this time of year. We owe our lives to nature and our ability to harness the natural world to our advantage, but it is not entirely a matter of will. Larger forces prevail.

The beer itself is loosely based on an Oktoberfest/märzen style, a rich, caramelly beer. Our version, which we call a “müerzen,” is fermented with ale yeast for a slight fruitiness, and has some very nontraditional ingredients in it. First is dulce de leche, a delicious milk caramel popular throughout Latin America. It brings a delicate carameliness to the beer, plus a touch of milk sugar, which being unfermentable, adds a very slight sweetness to the finished beer. In addition, we chose some spices to give the beer a delicate spiciness that is a bit reminiscent of graham crackers.

Join us at The Hopleaf for drink and food specials, and meet the 5 Rabbit team including Randy Mosher and brewmaster John J Hall!

Cost: free admission

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