Danish Ratebeer Summer Gathering 2014 (TSODRBSG14)


The Seventh Official Danish Ratebeer Summer Gathering 2014 (TSODRBSG14)

Bring some beers for others to taste

Saturday the 30th of August @ our place in Ulfborg.

It will be a summer tasting for ratebeerians.

We will start around 13.00 which suits with trains arrivals both from north/east & south

It will be possible to sleep at our place, either on the floor or in tents.
You will have to bring your own sleeping gear. (We have a few tents and mattresses that a few of you can borrow, this is mainly an offer/help for people travelling by train or plane.)

3½ km from our place there is a camp site, Rejkjær Camping, where it also will be possible to rent holiday cabins, or put up your own tent. (Witch you also can in our garden).

- You will have to bring a couple of beers for the tasting and some cheese and crips for snacks

- We will have some sandwiches for lunch at arrival.

- In the evenning we will do a barbeque, it is on a Dutch party basis, we will do the shopping and we all share the costs.

- Max 15 participant, so please sign in ASAP to make sure you can come to the tasting.

Send me you email / google acount for access to google doc so you can add what beers you bring to the tasting for us to taste.

Cost aprox. 200 Dkr (food saturday and sunday morning)

Cost: Aprox. 200 Dkr


Jan Bolvig
[email protected]


Brugmansia 7/31/2014
Super med en sommersmagnings-kagedame, skørter har plads til mere slik :D :D
hallinghansen 7/31/2014
Ja selvfølgelig Jan. Som Mads spørger?
fonefan 7/31/2014
Mads du skulle have adgang med
[email protected]
hvis det er en anden email du bruger, kan du lige mail mig den så skal jeg add den :D
Kan vi bestille brunsvier hos jer fyenboer til smagning ? ;D
Dedollewaitor 7/31/2014
Yep. Selvfølgelig. Skal vi ha’ en hel kagemand med slik og summer gathering text i anledningen?
Plovmand 7/28/2014
Jeg skal forbi Mikkeller Bottleshop på onsdag. Skal jeg købe de forskellige flasker fra Gigantic Brewing, der måtte være tilbage, eller har I allerede smagt/købt dem?
Rasmus40 7/25/2014
Hej Thomas Der er lavet ark, og du har adgang på linket nedenfor: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArYD5ZB0sR61dC1KbGtZNFFheDNRZF9hVUxqSTcxV0E&usp=sharing Vi kører efter sidstnævnte princip. Jeg glæder mig til at se dig i Ulfborg igen :-) /Rasmus

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