3rd Annual Ultimate New Englander Award!

Reads 1680 • Replies 19 • Started Friday, December 30, 2016 10:46:36 AM CT

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beers 7407 º places 497 º 10:46 Fri 12/30/2016

12/30 is here and as you know this is the day I give out this most prestigious award. To win this award you must appear on the top 50 raters list of all 6 New England states; then your average placement is used to decide your standing. This year AirForceHops retains his crown with ClarkVV making big moves to get to #2.

1 AirForceHops  
2 ClarkVV  
3 argo0  
4 j12601  
5 Cletus  
6 Drake  
7 jtclockwork  
8 Travlr  
9 thornecb  
10 johnnnniee  
11 Reynolds314  
12 WillRunForBeer  
13 muzzlehatch  

All 11 folks from last year are still on list and we have 2 newcomers in WillRunForBeer  & johnnnniee  welcome! It takes minimum of 683 beers to make this list an 82 beer increase over last year and 138 beers more than when I started this. Hopefully 2017 will be the year I achieve my own award but we’ll see. Also holy fuck last years award thread is still on front page of new england forum start some chatter folks.

beers 33927 º places 4607 º 11:07 Fri 12/30/2016


beers 1226 º places 112 º 11:30 Fri 12/30/2016

Damn, haha. Not even gonna try. I have work preventing me from reaching my full potential.

beers 2859 º places 24 º 21:39 Fri 12/30/2016

Congrats, AirForceHops!

beers 15189 º places 226 º 22:01 Fri 12/30/2016

Yeah, I spend WAY to much money on beer. But it doesn’t matter...
Clark has a Best friend who chauffeurs him all around New England, I am pretty sure he will pass me this year.

Travlr is still number 8 on this list?? New England raters are slackers...

Jow, thanks for the award again. The next time you are in Boston for work, Please give me a few days notice and I will meet you out for a beer or 10.

beers 6124 º places 278 º 22:15 Fri 12/30/2016

I’m not on the list? this is rigged.

beers 13596 º places 112 º 15:33 Sat 12/31/2016

Needs more Bruery

beers 33927 º places 4607 º 16:40 Sat 12/31/2016

Originally posted by AirForceHops

Travlr is still number 8 on this list?? New England raters are slackers...

Possible. But I live in The South now, so prob my NE ratings will tail off...

beers 7206 º places 217 º 17:36 Sat 12/31/2016

Yay, finally made the list!

beers 15189 º places 226 º 00:25 Sun 1/1/2017

Originally posted by ClarkVV
Needs more Bruery

If you don’t have at least 50 Bruery reviews.... you have done NOTHiNG with your life.
Don’t worry.... We will get you there :)

beers 1226 º places 112 º 00:31 Sun 1/1/2017

Dumbest thread ever.