BBQing for a bunch of people.

Reads 468 • Replies 3 • Started Saturday, July 2, 2005 11:23:06 AM CT

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beers 3543 º places 95 º 11:23 Sat 7/2/2005

Im having quite a big Fourth of July BBQ at my new house on the 3rd !! I was wondering if some other posters had ever BBQed for a bunch of people and any advice?
Iam planning cooking the meats on the stove or in the oven before and just finishing them off on the grill for flavor, is this feasible or would it be BBQ sacrilidge?
I got Beef ribs, sirloin steaks, pork chops ,baby backs ,chicken halfs, and only a medium sized BBQ grill. I will actually cook the burgers and hot dogs on the grill all the way.
Feasible plan?
Unfortunatlly i have no problems with the beer..i asked what everyone liked and eneded up with a case of Pacifico and a case of Henry Weinhards Hefeweisen, ah well i got a six pack of Laguntas Sirius Ale for me!

beers 4002 º places 158 º 11:34 Sat 7/2/2005

That’s an excellent plan considering that you have a medium sized grill. If you planned to cook them the entire time on a grill, you would need one that was large enough to cook with indirect, low heat.
The sacriledge is doing it on the 3rd! Just kidding!

beers 3472 º places 204 º 20:11 Sat 7/2/2005

Other than borrowing someone else’s grille, kinda late now, sounds like a good plan

beers 5 º 20:17 Sat 7/2/2005

You might also consider the reverse with some of the meats. Grill for a short time on both sides over very high heat to brown, seal in the juices, and get your grill marks, then pull them and finish them in the oven.