How to make beer at home?

Reads 629 • Replies 4 • Started Wednesday, September 24, 2014 12:17:21 AM CT

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00:17 Wed 9/24/2014

Every time ,when I want to drink,I will go to the supermarket for one.I really don’t know how to make the homebrew. Any simple steps for beginners ?

beers 1111 º places 27 º 05:37 Wed 9/24/2014

Find a local homebrew club and try to get in on a few batches to get a feel for things. If you like it, either start with an extract batch (using tins/bags of concentrated malt extract powder/syrup, adding water, boiling with hops, then cooling and fermenting) or jump in straight at all-grain (buying actual malted barley, soaking in water, draining out the sugary liquid, boiling with hops, cooling then fermenting).

Extract requires less equipment and is slightly easier, but gives you less control. I’d only jump in with all-grain if you’ve watched someone else brew this way a good few times and you’re happy buying a little more equipment.

Have a read at How to Brew, which can be found online as a pdf for free. But watching someone else brew and lending a hand is, by far, the quickest and best way to learn.

beers 3909 º places 65 º 05:48 Wed 9/24/2014

AHA has a set of videos that I think might be very useful for an absolute beginner.

beers 2074 º places 37 º 05:48 Wed 9/24/2014

1) boil wort and hops
2) cool to room temp
3) put into carboy
4) add yeast
5) add airlock
6) wait a few weeks

beers 2114 º places 4 º 06:40 Wed 9/24/2014

Originally posted by MacBoost
1) boil wort and hops
2) cool to room temp
3) put into carboy
4) add yeast
5) add airlock
6) wait a few weeks
t@ sounds like a lot of fucken work Maggie has a palate

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