if I go to a bar in Milwaukee and say "give me a Miller".......

Reads 1927 • Replies 24 • Started Wednesday, August 1, 2012 6:19:05 AM CT

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beers 2178 º places 25 º 08:49 Thu 8/2/2012

You should be given a proper beer and a small man who grinds cereal grain into flour.

beers 584 º places 9 º 13:37 Thu 8/2/2012

Another worthless thread from this troll.

places 1 º 13:01 Fri 8/3/2012

From an expereinced bartender (especially one over the age of say 45), High Life. As pointed out above, that’s the original Miller, and the best assumption would be you want a High Life unless you specified MGD or Lite. Not that ther’s much difference between MGD and High Life . . .

Um...you would get a miller product.