Off taste at a lot of bew pubs?

Reads 2576 • Replies 14 • Started Sunday, November 5, 2017 11:44:34 AM CT

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beers 30699 º places 1135 º 11:41 Mon 11/6/2017

Originally posted by beastiefan2k
I find that mediocre beers at mediocre brewpubs all tastes similarly mediocre. Its either dull base malts for their lineup or the same yeast for all their beers. This leads to a dull house character. I find this to be the case more often than an actual "off-flavor." I also come across atrocious uses of hops for beer, though most around me disagree.

Bottom line: perhaps you are just tasting mediocre beer using stale/dull malts/hops more commonly than an off-flavor?

This is what it sounds like to me, as well. I'm thinking small kit, inexperienced or unimaginative brewer, not good at handling yeast, cheaping out on ingredients.

Places fitting that description do tend to be bland, with really mediocre beer, and definitely mostly the same the world over.

beers 2 º 17:21 Mon 11/6/2017

Originally posted by Oakes
Originally posted by beastiefan2k
I find that mediocre beers at mediocre brewpubs all tastes similarly mediocre. Its either dull base malts for their lineup or the same yeast for all their beers. This leads to a dull house character. I find this to be the case more often than an actual "off-flavor." I also come across atrocious uses of hops for beer, though most around me disagree.

Bottom line: perhaps you are just tasting mediocre beer using stale/dull malts/hops more commonly than an off-flavor?

This is what it sounds like to me, as well. I'm thinking small kit, inexperienced or unimaginative brewer, not good at handling yeast, cheaping out on ingredients.

Places fitting that description do tend to be bland, with really mediocre beer, and definitely mostly the same the world over.

I don't know, it's a really consistent and specific flavor, and it's definitely a bad flavor in my book, not just bland. I've made my own mediocre beer before, but I've never gotten that flavor out of it.

beers 3241 º places 25 º 17:36 Mon 11/6/2017

Plastic from using chlorinated water? Nah, too basic thing for a brewpub, nevermind multiple brew pubs, to not be aware of.

Any chance that they are using a nitro/co2 mix?

beers 2 º 19:47 Mon 11/6/2017

Originally posted by Bill Becker
Plastic from using chlorinated water? Nah, too basic thing for a brewpub, nevermind multiple brew pubs, to not be aware of.

Any chance that they are using a nitro/co2 mix?

I actually remember that one of the last places I went to (Red Lodge Ales in Montana) had one of their beers on nitro, but I didn't notice a difference between that and the rest of the beers.