New Planet Beer Company Reviews

New Planet Blonde Ale
12 oz. can from a six pack purchased at Clifton Market for my mom, who is suddenly gluten-free. I think she had one and I'm stuck with the rest. Pours a clear gold with almost no head. Notes of sweet and pale malts, honey, corn, light florals, and sweet apple. Light-plus bodied, with low to modest carbonation and a smooth, sweet mouthfeel. Too sweet. Drinks easy, but not great.
Monday, September 5, 2022

New Planet Pale Ale
Can TWF, $2.49. Clear pale gold with a small white head. Light grapefruit, light wet paper aroma. Black tea, oddly sweet, citrus peel. Odd as hell... as it's quite sweet, but not sugary sweet. Will finish, but wouldn't drink this again.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

New Planet Blonde Ale
DATE: August 12, 2021... OCCASION: sweating out a Thursday night with a new-ish GF beer... GLASSEWARE: Liberty inverted pint... this sizzles while pouring out the can, but its head fizzles from a white, two-fingered coral that stars in its own disappearing act... its sallow golden body approximates apple juice... speaking of which, the aroma is apple, cracker malts, sweet oats, light citrus, and some odd yeasts... not quite alluring... its mouthfeel is light, oily, refreshing enough, with the finish agreeable, if not fleeting... the flavor profile is soft, if not repressed--apple, noble hops, lemon, cereal oats, and some funky yeasts leave this light and refreshing but not quite a fully-formed blonde... this does come with a great caveat: gluten-free makes this a possible go-to on warm summer night such as this...
Friday, August 13, 2021

New Planet Pale Ale
DATE: June 13, 2020... OCCASION: enjoying a picture-perfect night and a return to church with Riff Trax's Gammora!... GLASSWARE: Abita pint... this pours a clear, golden copper body full of large bubbles that swallows its own snow-white head quickly... sadly, not a striking resemblance to normal pale ale... sour oats, funky millet, orange and lemon citrus, a modicum of pine and mild spiciness... the initial mouthfeel is oily and off-putting, apparent at the teeth and mild at the finish... not feeling this as a pale ale, as it lacks effervescence... heavy toasted oats, lemon and orange, berry, honey, mild pine, lilac, and juiciness that elicits a decent return... sweet and oily, sharp and beefy at the finish... for a gluten-free offering, a solid attempt... I cannot see this as something that stands in for an actual pale ale, though... the lack of life and balance is pronounced... this also is the 5.3% ABV version, which is not the 6.4 or 4,5 version, so I feel NP is still trying to get things right with this one...
Sunday, June 14, 2020

New Planet Seclusion IPA
DATE: February 29, 2020... OCCASION: another sports Saturday winds down with the want of beer... GLASSWARE: Otto's pint... first, the question: what is up with these cans? My first three from this six all exploded despite my growing attempts to coddle them, and this one--opened weeks later, erupted similarly... not whining, but I am losing a few ounces in collateral... nevertheless, it pours a golden yellow body housing microscopic bubbles... its head mesas above the glass before settling into an island surrounded by foam--attractive... lemon, orange, grapefruit, light pepper, equally light toasted pale malts--the standard fare, not much to distract or detract, but also a giveaway that it's an IPA that gave up its strength for drinkability... thin, blunted at the finish, oily and lacking the activity at the teeth customary for other (session) ales... a bit of bitterness, but the aftertaste is rather down-tuned... grapefruit, lemon, and pepper mingle with butter and toasted malts... this works on the session level and a bit of the flavor profile as well... this one wins enough to seek out again, and its non-gluten delivery works for me two seven weeks in...
Sunday, March 1, 2020

New Planet Seclusion IPA

Sunday, January 5, 2020

New Planet Blonde Ale
Can. Poured golden, white head. Aroma of grape, fruity, honey, apple cider. Taste was sweet, fruity, mild grainy, honey, apple.
Friday, December 13, 2019

New Planet Seclusion IPA
Explodes out of the can. Pours hazy amber with a thick white head. Aroma of pine resin, heavy carbonation. Taste has woody notes, maple, elderberry. Palate has dry resin notes on the tongue and nose, flat and wheaty. Eh.
Saturday, December 7, 2019

New Planet Seclusion IPA
$2.29 can from TWG. Pop it open and it immediately comes gushing out. Mostly clear gold with a frothy white head. Resin and cheap, stale hops dominate the nose, along with cereal and light citrus. Flavor is resin, light citrus, mini wheats cereal (minus the frosted part).
Saturday, July 27, 2019

New Planet Seclusion IPA
12oz can. Poured a golden color with an averaged sized off white head. Toasted grains with some citrus.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

New Planet Seclusion IPA
Sampled at GABF 2018 with Paul and Andrew. Pours a clear golden body with soft lace. Mouthfeel is thin and light bodied with notes of soft pale malt, spice and citrus hop.
Sunday, February 3, 2019

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)
Sampled at GABF 2018 with Paul, Andrew and Larry. Pours a clear golden yellow body with no head. Mouthfeel is thin with notes of malt, sweet sugar, metal and spice.
Friday, January 4, 2019

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)

Sunday, November 18, 2018

New Planet Brown Ale
12 ounce bottle into pint glass, no bottle dating. Pours slightly reddish orange/copper color with a 1 finger fairly dense and fluffy cream colored head with good retention, that reduces to a small cap that lingers. Nice spotty soapy lacing clings on the glass, with a fair amount of streaming carbonation. Aromas of caramel, brown sugar, toffee, milk chocolate, cocoa, nutty coffee, brown bread, and toasted biscuit; with light notes of molasses, dark fruit, herbal, grass, pepper, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness. Nice and pleasant aromas with good balance of cocoa, coffee, sorghum/rice extract, and light earthy hop/fruity yeast notes; with good strength. Taste of caramel, brown sugar, toffee, milk chocolate, cocoa, nutty coffee, brown bread, and toasted biscuit; with light notes of molasses, dark fruit, herbal, grass, pepper, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness. Light herbal, grassy, spicy hop; and roasted bitterness on the finish. Lingering notes of caramel, brown sugar, toffee, milk chocolate, cocoa, nutty coffee, brown bread, toasted biscuit, light molasses/fruit, herbal, grass, pepper, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness on the finish for a good bit. Nice complexity, robustness, and balance of cocoa, coffee, sorghum/rice extract, and light earthy hop/fruity yeast flavors; with a nice sugar/bitterness balance, and no cloying/astringent flavors after the finish. Lightly increasing dryness from lingering bitterness. Medium carbonation and body; with a smooth, creamy/bready/grainy, and lightly sticky/chalky mouthfeel that is okay. Pretty rough finishing, but not too bad. Zero warming alcohol for 6%. Overall this is a pretty good gluten free brown ale. All around good complexity, robustness, and balance of cocoa, coffee, sorghum/rice extract, and light earthy hop/fruity yeast flavors; smooth and easy to drink with the lightly bitter/drying finish. A little weird at first, but it grew on me. Well balanced flavors; with light earthy hops against sweetness. Good representation of the intended style overall, and still kind of tastes like beer. A nicely enjoyable offering.
Friday, October 12, 2018

New Planet Seclusion IPA
12 ounce can. Pours a darker gold with a decent white head. Aroma of citrus and malt. Taste is citrus, malt, and grain. Simple. Decent.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

New Planet Seclusion IPA

Monday, July 23, 2018

New Planet Blonde Ale

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

New Planet Seclusion IPA
12oz can picked up at the state store
Pours clear dark golden with a medium off-white head, good lacing. Aroma of oranges and and dusty malts. Flavor of floral, straw, mild bitter
Tastes old but still ok.

Monday, May 7, 2018

New Planet Raspberry Ale

Sunday, January 14, 2018

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)
An absolutely rancid beer. Tried back in 2011 and only now getting to the rating. Somehow stale and cloyingly sweet at the same time.
Saturday, January 13, 2018

New Planet Pale Ale
Astonishingly bad beer. Weirdly sweet, a very slick mouthfeel. Tried for the first time in 2011.
Saturday, January 13, 2018

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)

Thursday, December 21, 2017

New Planet Pale Ale

Saturday, December 16, 2017

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)
On tap at Trail's End Taproom. Pours a slightly hazy yellow color, with a big, frothy, white head. The aroma is odd and slightly off-putting. Some buckwheat, dank, piney hops, maybe some yeasty esters, and latex. Sweet and syrupy, with a faint bitterness. Light to medium body, with a sticky, oily mouthfeel. Something is distinctly wrong, but not too bad. As gluten-reduced beer goes, it could be much worse.
Thursday, December 7, 2017

New Planet Seclusion IPA
I poured it from the can into a glass. It pours light amber with a big, white head. The aroma is pine and bread. The taste is hops, bread, and slight citrus. It's pretty refreshing and surprisingly flavorful considering the low alcohol content.
Saturday, September 23, 2017

New Planet Seclusion IPA
12 oz single can from Bottles & Bitters at Sloan’s Lake. Deep golden colored and clear appearance with a white head. Aroma of toasted malt, mild hops and light must. Similar flavor, adding mild hop bitterness and a light grainy sweetness. Light to medium body with a light musty finish. OK.
Friday, August 25, 2017

New Planet Pale Ale
Friday, July 28, 2017

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)
Malty sweet lean. I have no issues with gluten removal...but it sure doesnt improve beer.
Thursday, June 1, 2017

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)
Can poured a clear gold with a small lasting white head. Aromas of straw, spicy hops and a hint of earthiness. Palate was light bodied and smooth. Flavors of straw and light spicy hops with a smooth finish.
Sunday, January 15, 2017

New Planet Raspberry Ale
New Planet Raspberry Ale has a thin, white head, a mostly clear, amber appearance, which hazes up with a powdery cloud, following the "swish & pour". Aroma is of raspberries and grassy grain. Taste is of those elements, with a sorghum syrupy sweetness and no bitterness. Mouthfeel is light and a bit slick, and New Planet Raspberry Ale finishes crisp and decently refreshing. I was surprised. RTJ
Saturday, January 14, 2017

New Planet Raspberry Ale
12oz bottle. Pours orange and clear. No head. Sweet malty aroma with just touch of syrupy raspberry character. Tasty but a bit flat.
Friday, November 11, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA
Can poured a clear golden amber with a small lasting amber head. Aromas of bread, earthiness, light pine and light yeast. Palate was light bodied and smooth with a dry finish. Flavors of bread and earthiness with a smooth dry lightly bitter finish.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA
12 oz. can. Pours a thick well retained, tiny bubbled white head, with extensive lacing,over a clear gold (SRM 5) body........nose is heavy pine, resin, slight fruit, minimal cereal, balance to the hops......taste is mild malt tones, heavy pine, resin, light melon, finishing with moderate bitterness.....mouth feel, light body, no alcohol, light carbonation. This is a very light IPA, with minimal malts in both aroma and flavor, moderate hops and very little body. It would be quite pleasant on a hot day in the desert. It is a specialty grain type beer rather than a mainstream IPA. BJCP 7/3/12/4/5
Saturday, October 22, 2016

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)
Not too bad. Some what of a wheat ale. Some lighter fruit flavor. It is sessionable. Crips, carbonated. Sweet.
Sunday, October 16, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA
Not bad but a pretty average IPA. Hops at the nose, sweet body, sweet finish. Just a little bite.
Sunday, October 16, 2016

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)
12 ounce can into pint glass, canned on 9/3/2015. Pours slightly hazy/cloudy pale golden yellow color, with a 2 finger dense and rocky white head with great retention, that reduces to a nice cap that lasts. Dense soapy lacing clings down the glass, with a fair amount of streaming carbonation retaining the cap. Fantastic appearance. Aromas of lemon, pear, apple, cracker, biscuit, light honey, floral, grass, light pepper, and herbal/yeast earthiness. Nice and pleasant aromas with good balance of pale malt, earthy hops, and light fruity yeast notes; with solid strength. Taste of lemon, pear, apple, cracker, biscuit, light honey, floral, grass, light pepper, and herbal/yeast earthiness. Light herbal/spicy bitterness on the finish; with lingering notes of lemon, pear, apple, cracker, biscuit, light honey, floral, grass, light pepper, and herbal/yeast earthiness on the finish for a good bit. Nice robustness and balance of pale malt, earthy hops, and light fruity yeast flavors; with a great malt/bitterness balance, and zero cloying flavors after the finish. Light dryness from bitterness, lightly increasing through the glass. Medium carnation and body; with a very smooth, moderately grainy/creamy, and lightly sticky balanced mouthfeel that is nice. Zero warming alcohol as expected of 4.9%. Overall this is a nice American blonde ale. All around good robustness and balance of pale malt, earthy hops, and light fruity yeast flavors; very smooth, refreshing, and easy to drink. A nicely enjoyable and spot on blonde ale offering; especially for being gluten reduced.
Thursday, October 6, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA
Canned. Copper with a small diminishing white head. Aroma of oranges and some pine. The taste is washed out citrus, metals and cleaning chemicals. The palate is just wrong; thin, a bit gritty, uneven, and astringent. The finish is also all wrong with a lingering bitter cooked vegetable aspect. Overall: I’m not a fan.
Saturday, September 24, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA
12 ounce can into pint glass, canned on 9/20/2015. Pours slightly hazy golden orange color with a 2 finger dense and rocky off white head with fantastic retention, that reduces to a large cap that lasts. Dense soapy lacing clings down the glass, with a good amount of streaming carbonation retaining the head. Fantastic appearance. Aromas of grapefruit, tangerine, peach, lemon zest, orange peel, light pepper/pine, light caramel, toasted bread, herbal, and floral/grassy earthiness. Nice and pleasant aromas with good balance and complexity of citrus/pine hops and moderate bready malt notes; with solid strength. Taste of grapefruit, tangerine, peach, lemon zest, orange peel, light pepper, pine, light caramel, toasted bread, herbal, and floral/grassy earthiness. Light-moderate pine/herbal/grassy bitterness on the finish; with lingering notes of grapefruit, tangerine, peach, lemon/orange peel, light pepper, pine, toasted bread, and herbal/floral/grassy hop earthiness on the finish for a good bit. Nice complexity, robustness, and balance of citrus/pine hops and moderate bready malt flavors; with a great malt/bitterness balance, and zero hop astringency after the finish. Light-moderate dryness from bitterness, increasing through the glass. Might-high carbonation and light-medium body; with a very smooth, moderately crisp/sticky, and fairly grainy balanced mouthfeel that is nice. Zero warming alcohol as expected of 4.9%. Overall this is good gluten reduced IPA. All around good complexity, robustness, and balance of citrus/pine hops and moderate bready malt flavors; very smooth, crisp, and fairly refreshing to drink. A nicely enjoyable offering.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)
can. straw with small head. i was expecting the worst, and this was actually pretty decent. very light body. fruity citrus. very clean.
Saturday, September 3, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA
can. golden with one finger head. light body, moderate hops. lacking in flavor, and slightly off in they way you’d expect from a GF beer.
Saturday, September 3, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA
New Planet brewing has done a good job brewing a nice light IPA. It’s not overly hoppy no bitter aftertaste good flavor would recommend.
Saturday, August 20, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)

Monday, August 1, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA
Better than most of theirs I’ve had before, but a. That’s not saying much - still a mediocre IPA at best and b. It’s not gluten free, so what’s the point? One time for the tick. Fruity oddly sweet and moderately bitter.
Saturday, July 16, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA
Can from Capone’s. Hazy straw toward copper with off-white head. Caramel malt, mild hops in the nose. Mediocre flavor, some malty and hoppy notes, forgettable.
Friday, July 8, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA
Looks like real beer. Smells like real beer. Should I taste it? Is this GF or not? I bought a six-pack thinking since it’s from New Planet it must be. Luckily I read the label before drinking and discovered it’s just another fake GF beer like Omission and Delicious. Now I’m $10 poorer and have a six-pack of beer I’m scared to drink. These types of beers do a disservice to the celiac community for several reasons. One is that some bars/restaurants only carry 1 or 2 "GF" beers and if they choose this because it tastes more like real beer (because it is real beer), then those of us that have to actually be gluten free have one less option or no option. Another reason is they take up precious space in the GF part of the store, and trick us into buying it like happened to me. I don’t need any more grey area in my life; it’s hard enough having celiac disease without companies making real beer and calling it gluten free because they loaded it with clarifying agents at the end. Frustrating. I think New Planet may lose many of their core customers if they’re not careful. I have so many questions. Are they brewing using gluten ingredients in the same brewery as their sorghum beers? Why wouldn’t they just stand by what distinguishes them and make a good IPA from non-gluten ingredients like all the other Gluten Free breweries that are popping up? I’ll stick to Groundbreakers IIPA and ciders from now on.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

New Planet Tread Lightly Ale (2015-)
Pedestrian with your obligatory frosty mountains - marketed as Tread Lightly. Misty, honey blonde with an off white head. Powdery, slightly tangy, malty aroma. On the verge of being sour, it’s got some vegetal (grassy, leafy) notes over a lemony backdrop. Slightly mineral. Astringent wisps sometimes. There just wasn’t anything here that would make me ever want another one. New Leaf Market.
Saturday, May 7, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA
12 oz can at Spacebar after the DC RateBeer Tasting. Shared by DCLawyer, thanks Jason! Clear golden orange with off-white head. Aromas of wheat, floral. Tastes of citrus, wheat, floral. Medium-light body with a dry finish. Not as bad as I was expecting for a gluten free beer.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

New Planet Seclusion IPA

Sunday, May 1, 2016

New Planet Brown Ale
Bottle. Acetone aroma - just a hint of malt comes through. Brown with small head. Sweet tangy acidic light caramel malt and light grass. Solvent aroma and smell overwhelming - no date on bottle so not sure how old this is.
Friday, April 22, 2016