Morohashi Shuzo Reviews

Kagetora Namazake
300 ml bottle thanks to Ingo! Sampled on June 13, 2015. My first Namasaké.
Bottle marked "26. 2," on the lower left, and "27. 3." on the right.
Clear perhaps pear color, very light. No head, some thick legs on the glass. Sweet, wood scent. Wood, alcohol, pear taste. Smooth mouthfeel, no bitterness. Wood aftertaste.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Kagetora Namazake
Can from Kyoto Station Isetan. Don’t usually bother with Honjozo sake, but it was nama and in a convenient little can. Fruity nose, grape, peach, pepper and spices, alcohol burn. Clear and somewhat icy. Strong alcohol flavor, like vodka, peach, cherry, rice. Burns a bit, somewhat like rubbing alcohol. Ok fruit otherwise, but too boozy and a bit simple.                 
Monday, April 22, 2013

Kagetora Meisuishikomi Tokubetsu Honjozo Sake
Glass @ Donjaga, Shinjuku: Pours clear with nice legs. Hard to get the nose on this at first because they pour it into a glass, to the brim, and overflow it into a masu cup in which the glass is resting. Moderate licorice and anise though with a mellow flavor. Dry impact on the palate with a nice bit of umami and fruit. Finishes light with a bit of alcohol and more anise in the tail. Very quaffable, a little on the dry side.
Sunday, November 8, 2009